View Full Version : LV "Low Profile" mask under face shield?

Jamie Straw
06-01-2010, 11:26 PM
I'm curious if any of you have used the Low Profile dust mask Lee Valley carries and what you thought of it. They say it works under a face shield, can you verify. Seems like it might fog the shield. I haven't saved up for my Trend Airshield yet:) seeking alternative.

Paul Singer
06-02-2010, 7:27 AM
I am also interested. I want to do more for dust protection but do not have the funds at this time for a large investment.

Nigel Tracy
06-02-2010, 11:40 AM
It looks to me like its exhaust port is out the front which to me seems like it may fog up a faceshield, so I'm also curious to hear about this one. At N99 those are pretty good filters in a relatively inexpensive unit.

I use a standard (not "low-profile") respirator that exhausts down, out the bottom. When using only the dust filter without the carbon/chemical cartridges it fits just fine under my faceshield and with the down-exhaust it doesn't fog at all.

HTH, good luck and protect those lungs :)


Jenn Hill
06-02-2010, 12:45 PM
I have a 3M respirator. The exhaust port is directed down. It fits great under my shield with the p-100 filters. I would worry that the one at Lee Valley would fog up the shield. I have severe allergies but do not have a problem at all if I'm diligent about wearing my mask.