View Full Version : Table saw question

Bob Worrel Jr.
11-24-2004, 8:05 AM
I'm still looking for a table saw. I thought I had it. I called Grizzly about their G1023 models. They are out of all the G1023's. Won't have any untill the middle of January.
So, I started looking some more and found the Shop Fox brand. It could almost be a Grizzly twin, except for the color.
Anyone have a...
SHOP FOX® Series W1611EXT or
SHOP FOX® Series W1711EXT ?

Let me know what you think of this saw.

Mike Keating
11-24-2004, 8:14 AM
Hello Bob,

Shop Fox and Grizzly are preety much the same thing (much like Ford and Mercury). I was looking at purchasing the W1611EXT, but due top shop space issues I went with the 1023SL. It is a really great saw and I can not recommend it high enough. I really do not think you can go wrong with the SF. I would suggest the classic fence, since the other (smaller looking fence) can not move all the way next to the blade (guard in the back blocks the fence movement). This is not a huge issue, but something to consider.
If I remember correctly the SF was only 100-150 more than the Grizzly and it comes with 52" fence and rails. That was a major bonus in my mind, but I could not give up the shop space.
HTH, have a great holiday and work safely,

Mike Keating

Ted Shrader
11-24-2004, 9:35 AM
Bob -

Don't you hate it when that happens? Finally get what you want all picked out - and they don't have it.

Since you have done all the research and chosen what is right for you, could you wait until Grizzly gets more it? I have no experience with the Shop Fox, so can't comment on that. But if you are starting another (hopefully more brief) search, did you previously consider Bridgewood from <a href="http://www.wilkemach.com/OnlineCatalogSearchResults3.tpl?SearchCategory=Bri dgewood%20Tilting%20Arbor%20Table%20Saw&PreviousCategory=Table%20Saws&RecNum=0">Wilke Machinery</a>? Similar price and I can vouch for the company.


Kent Cori
11-24-2004, 10:44 AM

I have the Griz 1023SL and bought it before the Shop Fox versions were available. I've looked at them, and like Mike says, the differences are mainly cosmetic. I think the SF miter gauge is a little larger than its Griz cousin (this is good), the handwheels are a little different style and of course the color are different. Other than that, it looked to me like all the parts would be interchangeable except for the name plate. I'm sure you'll love either brand in the tilt of your choice.

BTW, I have the SF Classic fence on mine. It performs extremely well.

Chris Padilla
11-24-2004, 12:08 PM
I, too, have the 1023 from Griz...great TS. I've zero experience with the Shop Fox but most here agree that for the most important features, they are preciesely the same.

I say if you can be patient, just wait for what you've settled on...January isn't too far off....

Jim Becker
11-24-2004, 12:24 PM
The green and white machines you cite are "very similar", especially since SB has interests in both companies. Don't leave out the Bridgewood in your short list, either, and Woodworker's Supply often has great deals on Delta Unisaws that are "not the current color"...

Marshall Harrison
11-24-2004, 12:42 PM
Can't say about the saw but if the quality is anywhere near that of the Shop Fox mortiser then you can't go wrong with the SF saw. I love my SF mortiser. I's sturdy (90lbs) well built, runs quietly and cuts like a knife through an apple (I bet you thought I was going to say butter...:D ).

Dean Baumgartner
11-24-2004, 2:43 PM
I can second Ted's reccomedation of the Bridgewood. I've had mine for about 8 months now and it's been great.


Brian Hale
11-24-2004, 4:02 PM
Another vote for the Bridgewood BW10LTS!! (Never saw that coming did ya?!?)


Charles McKinley
11-24-2004, 5:39 PM
2 year warrenty on the Shop Fox, Griz 1 year

Chris Padilla
11-24-2004, 6:12 PM
That extra 1 year on the SF might be worth it but what are you paying to get it? I've had my 1023 for 4-5 years...working perfectly...zero has gone wrong. That is something else to consider, Bob. :)

Bob Worrel Jr.
11-24-2004, 7:10 PM
Thanks to all for your help on this subject. I almost went with the Craftsman industrial 12” saw, but they won’t have that one or the industrial 10” in until February. And like I mentioned, the Grizz 1023’s are out till the middle of January. I still don’t understand how a retailer can be out of a product, especially this time of year.:mad: The shop is just about ready for the center piece.:D I don’t want to get to that point and not have it here. :eek:

All these saws are very reliable and are in my price range. I found a guy down in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:State><st1:place>Florida</st1:place></st1:State> that is selling the 5HP Shop Fox with full extension table for $1299 + shipping.:rolleyes: We’re heading out of town after we have turkey. When we get back I’ll take one final look and make a decision then. I’ll follow up here and let you all know what I go with. Again…thanks for your advice.

Everyone have a great Thanksgiving.:D :D

Ken Wright
11-24-2004, 8:29 PM
I've had mine for 2 years now and am extremely satisfied ... got the long rails and the fence is just great. The miter gauge is particularly beefy ... just a really good setup and will plow through capacity walnut with no hesitation.

I paid about $300 less for mine than you quoted.