View Full Version : Small Keepsake Chest

William Hutchinson
05-30-2010, 10:44 PM
I just finished this project and will wait for the lacquer finish to cure before I knock back the sheen. One spalted maple board was used for the construction of the 8 1/2" x 17" chest. I chose a whimsical font in keeping with the fun nature of this wood. The inlays are crushed turquoise, dyed resin and abalone shell.This was my first attempt at making ogee bracket feet. The lid's side moldings are pegged.

Thanks for looking and comments are always appreciated.





John Keeton
05-31-2010, 7:04 AM
William, you should have saved this project for a "one board" contest!! Very nice!

Great job on the bracket feet, and overall just a very nice piece. Love the inscription technique with the inlaid material!

The lacquer really brought out the beauty of the maple.

Michael Handrinos
05-31-2010, 9:06 AM
I like it. Well done!

Gene Howe
05-31-2010, 9:24 AM
Great job on the feet. Certainly doesn't appear to be a first attempt. Well done.
Did you cut the Abalone or find "buttons" for sale?
Enlighten us on the lid stay mechanics, please.

William Hutchinson
05-31-2010, 9:44 AM
Great job on the feet. Certainly doesn't appear to be a first attempt. Well done.
Did you cut the Abalone or find "buttons" for sale?
Enlighten us on the lid stay mechanics, please.

Yes, these are virgin feet! Put together with a spline and then the ogee was cut with a band saw.



The abalone dots can be purchased here: http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Inlay,_pearl/Pre-cut_inlays.html

The lid stay is a stick, screw and notch. There is a small block attached to the side to hold the stick.


Michelle Rich
06-01-2010, 6:47 AM
lovely box & thanks for explaining the details

mike holden
06-01-2010, 8:14 AM
Lovely Chest, Young Lily will surely appreciate it when she is older.

Ben Hatcher
06-01-2010, 8:34 AM
Nice piece! I love the feet. I'd like to try making some of those for my next project.

John Olson
06-01-2010, 11:53 AM
Great job , my daughter has a half dozen of those boxes with out the great feet. She keeps her spices,insence and candles in them. They come in handy to keep small things togeather and not clotter up the house. Again a real nice job.

Jim Becker
06-01-2010, 9:33 PM
That's just plain beautiful!

gary Zimmel
06-01-2010, 11:37 PM
Great work on the keepsake chest William...