View Full Version : Granddaughters' Teacher Bowl

Thomas Canfield
05-30-2010, 9:34 PM
My granddaughter (8 1/2) wanted to turn a bowl for her teacher - a pen would not do. Here she is with small 3" x 3/4" x 3/32" Sweet Gum bowl with Briwax finish. Yes, she had some help but not to hear her tell it.

Sean Hughto
05-30-2010, 9:35 PM
Too cute~! Way to go grandpa and granddaughter both!

Steve Schlumpf
05-30-2010, 9:44 PM
Thomas - thanks for sharing! Be sure to let your granddaughter know that she did an excellent job turning that bowl! Her teacher is going to love it!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-30-2010, 11:14 PM
I"ll echo Steve's sentiments! That's about as good as it gets!

Bernie Weishapl
05-30-2010, 11:28 PM
Ditto what Steve said. Grandpa it doesn't get any better than that.

John Keeton
05-31-2010, 8:00 AM
You need to make sure she gets a copy of the pic to keep with her bowl. It will mean a lot to her later on. Great experience! It really doesn't get much better.

Chris Hayes
05-31-2010, 8:06 AM
Very cute. I'm sure her teacher will remember her for years to come.

One of my neighbors, who is a teacher, asked me yesterday to make a bowl for one of the parents of a student in his class. I guess that this mom has been extremely helpful and he wants to show his appreciation. (Not often you hear about a teacher giving parents gifts...)

David E Keller
05-31-2010, 11:35 AM
Very cool. She does nice work and her woodworking teacher does nice work as well.

Michelle Rich
06-01-2010, 7:21 AM
Good on you Grandad..thanks for mentoring a young gal..maybe she'll grow up & be a famous turner!

Roland Martin
06-01-2010, 7:59 AM
Life doesn't get much better than that, for both. Thanks for sharing and congratulate your grandaughter.

Thomas Canfield
06-01-2010, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the comments. I am trying to get her interested in turning, but so far her concentration is a little lacking. The little bowls turned using a screw chuck and then the PSI expanding collet can be done fairly quickly and I feel like she can pick it up in the near future with still some help, but more on her own. The bowls do make nice little gifts and only take about 15 minutes if finished with wax only. I had to make some for my wife's sewing friends and she required a regular oil finish but that is not too bad when doing multiples and they don't take much space. My buffing (tripoli and renaisance wax) wheels for the small bowls are the 2" cotton wheels that fit the Dremel tool.