View Full Version : A thin bowl and a scoop.

Jack Mincey
05-30-2010, 4:37 PM
I had a mulberry die at the edge of my yard last year so I cut it 3 weeks ago. I took a couple pieces in to school for my students to turn and decided to turn a bowl from it to. It is 8" across the long side of the bowl. The bark was already falling off so I didn't try and leave any. I just wanted to see how thin I could take this bowl. Not only does light go this bowl, but it is very easy to bend. I could feel the sanding pad thru the thing while I was sanding it. The scoop is out of cherry and the result of a demo I did for one of my classes.

Robert McGowen
05-30-2010, 5:26 PM
The bowl is nice, but that scoop is really awesome. It must have been a great demo.

Ted Evans
05-30-2010, 5:41 PM
Great job on both items Jack. The bowl looks as if it only has one side, it is so thin. Sure would be nice if you could do a tutorial on the scoop for us amateurs.

Steve Schlumpf
05-30-2010, 5:48 PM
Very impressive work on both items Jack! Looks like it would be a good candidate for soaking so that it turns translucent like I see a lot of the Norfolk Island Pine turnings.

Excellent scoop! Really like the detail work where the handle meets the bowl portion! A photo tutorial would be great - if and when you have the time!

Thanks for sharing!

John Keeton
05-30-2010, 5:50 PM
That is THIN!! Nice bowl, great scoop!! Love the color on the scoop, too. A tutorial would be nice - I think I can visualize the setup, but I bet there is a neat little jig used to mount the bowl of the scoop for hollowing. That is the part I want to see.

Paul Douglass
05-30-2010, 5:51 PM
Man oh Man oh Man that is the most awesomest scoop I have seen. Ya, ya the bowl is great. but that scoop just flat turns me on, (can I say that?)

David Warkentin
05-30-2010, 6:19 PM
Yes that scoop is nice. We are waiting....... David

Allen Neighbors
05-30-2010, 6:40 PM
Jack, that's a double nice job, on both pieces. I've turned a few thin bowls. And I've turned literally hundreds of scoops... But I've never turned a scoop as slick as this one!
Awesome!! Two thumbs up!!

Bernie Weishapl
05-30-2010, 6:59 PM
Great looking bowl and scoop Jack. That scoop is awesome.

Jack Mincey
05-30-2010, 7:28 PM
Thanks for the compliments eveyone. The scoop is realy not that hard, I watched a video clip on making it and have made many since with little trouble. Knowing when to stop turning out the inside is the hard part since it is mounted in a jam chuck that doesn't allow one access to the outside of the scoop to judge the thickness. Here is the link to the site. There are many great video's for turning here. You have to look for the arrow at the right top in the tan section and and use it to scrow to the right until you find AAW. This arrow is right under where it says (The Worlds Workshop) Click on the AAW box and enjoy the video's. One has to scroll toward the bottom of the AAW list to find the scoop video which is done by Soren Berger.
Thanks again,

Thom Sturgill
05-30-2010, 7:31 PM
Both are awsome, and I'd love to see a tutorial on that scoop too!

alex carey
05-30-2010, 8:00 PM
yep, bowl is nice but the scoop takes it.

Chris Haas
05-30-2010, 8:00 PM
+1 on the scoop. that is awesome.

great bowl too!

Frank Van Atta
05-30-2010, 8:55 PM
Two beautiful pieces, each in their own way.

Thanks for the info on The WoodWorking Channel - there's tons of great info there.

Sean Hughto
05-30-2010, 9:21 PM
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, that scoop is da bomb!

willie sobat
05-31-2010, 6:52 AM
Nice work. Thank you for sharing.

Michelle Rich
05-31-2010, 6:56 AM
the scoop is A-1..might be the prettiest I have ever seen...what do you put in the bowl??? Girl scout Thin Mints???? :D

Jim Maxwell
05-31-2010, 7:04 AM
Most excellent turning and the scoop is superb.