View Full Version : Gene Landon video

Roger Myers
11-23-2004, 7:43 PM
Tony Zaffuto mentioned in an earlier thread that PCN (Penn cable?) had done a show on Gene Landon (see this months FWW tools and shops) and it might be available on tape. Thanks Tony!! A quick search on the net www.pcntv.com got me to the video which I ordered on DVD. It came today and I was more than pleased with the show. I know Genes work from the SAPFM (www.sapfm.org) and I had high hopes of gaining some insight into his shop and work methods and was very pleased with the content. Most of it is filmed in his shop, where you can get an even better feel for his collection of hand tools and his methods of work (he is making a drawer for a period table) - nothing remarkable in the technique except for a real appreciation of the familiarity he has with his tools and the ease with which he works using the tools and techniques of the 18th century. What was a real pleasant surprise was the tour of his home and seeing many of the beautiful pieces he has produced. Also got a mini tour of his clock restoration shop -where does he find the time??? All in all a very pleasant 1 hour or so video....not cheap at 28.25 including shipping, but it better than most movies I've gone too and about the same investment..and I'll look at this again!

Gene is a true master of the craft!
