View Full Version : Feeling Successful.

Jack Mincey
05-28-2010, 6:50 PM
Some of you know I’ve been working at our counties school of alternatives since Christmas teaching shop. I have been doing a lot of turning with my students and all have got to feel successful with their projects. I don’t think some of them feel successful often so it has been good to see them enjoy their success. What I hadn’t said is that the Principal has been out on maternity leave with her second son. She came back to the school yesterday as our principal which I thought was great since she is a hard act to follow for a substitute principal. She made a walk thru the shop and seemed to like what the students where doing. I got a call yesterday after I got home from her, and she said that she had some money for me to spend on some shop equipment. This was great news since I’ve had so much trouble this year making ends meet teaching at two schools. She had just discovered the money and I had to spend it and have the tools in the shop by Monday of next week or we would lose the funds. I got some of the other teacher’s to cover my morning classes today and drove 1 ½ hours to Tryon N.C. and spent it at the Packard warehouse. I will try and get some pictures next week. There is a new Jet 1642 lathe, Stronghold Chuck, Talon Chuck, #4 jaws for the Stronghold, Step Jaws for the Talon, and 8 new turning tools in our school shop. I know the principal’s main purpose was to help the students, but she made me feel like I’ve been successful this year at the same time.

David Warkentin
05-28-2010, 6:58 PM
Wow, what a haul! That will make teaching fun.:D David

Karl Card
05-28-2010, 6:59 PM
Between this thread and Jeff Nicols interview I am so happy for you guys.

Most of us want to do something to change something for the better but someimtes we dont understand that we have to have a passion for something and do because we love it only then will the positive things come from it... Just like a child care place, someone does it because it can be good money, your crazy but if you do it because you love kids you will probably be successful...

It seems you love what you do and do it with passion...

Cathy Schaewe
05-28-2010, 6:59 PM
Wow, that is fantastic! It certainly sounds like she recognized the positive work you're doing with those kids. I know the feeling of satisfaction I get when I take something off the lathe that I've made - for those with a lot in life going against them, it must seem like such an accomplishment. Way to go!!!

Sean Hughto
05-28-2010, 7:02 PM
Great news! Congratulations on reaching these young folks with a creative and satisfying activity like turning. Letting them feel that success can be like a planting a seed that will hopefully grow and blossom.

Tony De Masi
05-28-2010, 7:10 PM
That's one of the best GLOATS I've seen on this forum. Not because of the items you were able to get, but because it will benefit your kids.

Congrats and tell your principle she did a wonderful thing.


Thom Sturgill
05-28-2010, 7:11 PM
Jack, from what I've seen and heard, you have been successful this year. Congratulations.

John Keeton
05-28-2010, 8:02 PM
Jack, success is measured by the mark you leave on others while passing through this life. It sure isn't money and possessions - those don't last long after the funeral!! But, the changes in character, hope and dreams of those with whom we come in contact last for generations. You have left your mark on many!!

Glad you finally got some extra tools for the kids.

Aaron Wingert
05-28-2010, 8:14 PM
Jack that is awesome! These days the industrial arts-type classes are really slipping out of the school system. I'm thrilled to see that you work with a principal that knows a good thing when she sees it and is willing to direct the much needed funding your way to make your classes even better for those kids. You're doing a great thing by teaching those kids what it feels like to succeed....You should revel in that feeling as well!

Bernie Weishapl
05-28-2010, 8:45 PM
How cool is that Jack. I was so disappointed and sick when they shut down the FFA a couple of years ago so there went Vo-Ag shop. The State and Schools are hurting for money so the wood shop and art shop are going. It amazed me that the parents would rather give those up than drop a sport.

Harvey Ghesser
05-28-2010, 8:59 PM
Sounds like you're on a roll, Jack! Congratulations to you and your principal for recognizing that education isn't just about math and reading. And it sounds to me and others here that you really want to impart this artform to all the lucky kids in your class!

I'm really happy for you!


Von Bickley
05-28-2010, 9:20 PM

I recently went thru Flat Rock and Tryon. What is this Packard warehouse that you mentioned?

Jack Mincey
05-28-2010, 9:41 PM
Thanks everyone, it does feel good to get a pat on the back from time to time. Von, Tryon N.C. is where Packard Woodworks is located. They are a mail order company that carry only woodturning tools and items. They don't have a store front, but do have a front desk where one can go tell them what you want and they will bring it from the warehouse to the desk for you to buy. The guy's there were great to deal with.
Thanks again,

Brian Effinger
05-28-2010, 10:16 PM
Congrats Jack, and congrats to your students. I could tell from your other posts about school, you were frustrated with the lack of funds and equipment. I'm sure the kids will put them to good use.

I know the principal’s main purpose was to help the students, but she made me feel like I’ve been successful this year at the same time.
If the student is successful, then so is the teacher. You can't have one without the other.

Steve Schlumpf
05-28-2010, 11:32 PM
Jack - I am extremely happy for you and your students! You have worked very hard this year to provide your students with basic tools and even the wood to work with - so, for you to now receive the financing to pick up those tools and accessories to help your students is truly a blessing!

Congrats! Glad to see things starting to turn around for you!

Keep up the good work! You may not hear it often enough - but there are many of us here that are proud of what you do and all of those kids that you help! Good things are coming your way - you worked hard to make them happen - enjoy!

Dave Ogren
05-29-2010, 12:51 PM

Congratulations...great to hear of a school helping you out especially in these troubled times. I know you wished that would have happened a few years ago...especially that I have seen on other posts that you are counting the months till retirement. Congrats again, this must speak highly of you as being a great teacher.


Jack is right about the Packard Woodworks. I was also there yesterday afternoon. They are very helpful. I had a few questions and right away they got their technical man to answer them. He was a production bowl turner for 10 years in Maine.

I have no conection to the company, Just a satisfied customer.

Good Luck,


bob svoboda
05-29-2010, 12:58 PM
Being a school administrator myself, I can pretty much guarantee you the money wouldn't have been offered if you weren't doing some pretty special things with your students. Good job and keep up the obviously good work!

Rich Aldrich
05-29-2010, 4:10 PM
Congratulations. It is so good to see young people get into making things and learn useful skills. It is also awesome to see someone like you - willing and patient to teach.

We need to revamp our funding and attitude toward education. Too many lawsuits have scared schools away from the woodshop classes.

David E Keller
05-29-2010, 11:50 PM
Congrats on the funding. You should be proud of yourself for earning the extra funds. Just the fact that you are excited about what you can do for the kids with the new equipment proves your dedication as a teacher. I'm looking forward to seeing what the kids can do.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-29-2010, 11:57 PM

In these troubled financial times, the principal finding spare moneys and directing to you for use in your classes.....well...that type of compliment is 2nd only to ones from your students!


Mark Hubl
05-30-2010, 4:05 PM
Well done Jack.