View Full Version : Drawer Bottom Groove

Matt Sauber
05-28-2010, 12:03 PM
I'm planning ahead here for the drawer bottom groove I'm going to need to cut. I don't have a plow/plough plane. Do I need one or is there a good way to cut a groove with other tools?


Sean Hughto
05-28-2010, 12:20 PM
table saw with dado stack or couple passes
router - electric or plane

Rod Sheridan
05-28-2010, 12:22 PM
Hi, do you have a router plane?

A sharp knife and a router plane could be used.

Of course so could a shaper, a slotting cutter and a power feeder:D.

Regards, Rod.

Matt Sauber
05-28-2010, 12:28 PM
Please keep in mind the forum we are in...

Rod Sheridan
05-28-2010, 12:33 PM
Matt, my second point was meant to be humourous, my first point is how I made them before purchasing a plough plane.......Rod.

Jim Koepke
05-28-2010, 12:36 PM
I have cut slots using a knife and a chisel.

For a drawer groove, you could make a holder for a chisel that would be like a scratch stock, but using a chisel for the blade.

It would be easy if you have a rabbet plane to make a tongue on a piece of wood to hold the chisel. This would set your depth. then all you need is a fence. This would likely not even need a knife. Just make sure the tongue is a hair narrower than the chisel is wide.

If you do not have a rabbet plane, then you could saw the tongue.


Dave Ring
05-28-2010, 1:54 PM
You could use a wooden groove plane. They go cheap (well under $20) if they are separated from the matching tongue plane.

Rick Erickson
05-28-2010, 4:08 PM
If you plan to do any number of drawers in your future I would invest in a dedicated drawer-bottom plane. A plow would work but a dedicated plane is already setup and every time you grab it you get the same result. I own one from Rob Cosman and it is one of my most enjoyable planes. I could create drawer-bottom grooves all day long :D

Jeff Burks
05-28-2010, 6:03 PM
You can also get a very consistent fixed groove for drawer bottoms by using a Stanley #48 or the LN (http://www.lie-nielsen.com/catalog.php?sku=1-48) Tongue and Groove plane. For a zero cost method I would suggest using a scrap of hardwood to make a chisel holder (plane) for use with a chisel that matches the groove width. A plane is just a chisel holder right? You can design the depth stop and fence right into the tool. You can also clamp or tack a stiff batten to the drawer side to act as a fence.

Or maybe this is just your opportunity to justify buying a plow plane (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK284m0wJME&feature=related). They are really fun to use.

Greg Crawford
05-28-2010, 6:22 PM
I seem to remember Derek Cohen having a tutorial on making dados (just grooves) with a handsaw and chisel. Maybe a router plane was also employed.

Sean Hughto
05-28-2010, 10:33 PM
ploughs can be had for reasonable prices on ebay
search Record 043 or 044 or Record (plough,plow)
