View Full Version : Ear plug recommendation

Martin Lutz
11-23-2004, 12:42 PM
I attended the WW show in Denver this last weekend. One of the exhibitors was selling silicone ear plugs. These are custom molded to fit the geometry of your ear, (injection molded if you will). I have been looking for some quality ear plugs since my favorite pair took a trip on top of my truck but didnt return. :) The sound reduction of these plugs is incredible. Better than anything I have used before! Can you tell I am impressed? The table saw and planer were just quiet hums and I can still hear people speaking to me with them in. The vendor said the NRR was around 31 or 32. And they are comfortable, fit perfiectly. $50 may be a little pricey but my hearing is worth it. If you have the chance to get some I would recommend them highly. of course this is just IMHO

Ted Shrader
11-23-2004, 12:49 PM
Martin -

Sounds interesting. Where did you get them? How hard are they to mold to fit the ears?


Kevin Arceneaux
11-23-2004, 12:50 PM
Most soft moldable earplugs offer the same reduction in dB reduction for a lot less. The little yellow ones offer a reduction of 32dbs. Ear plugs offer better noise reduction than earmuffs. Plugs - 29-32dB. Earmuffs - 22-29db.

Martin Lutz
11-23-2004, 1:01 PM
Ted, the company was EAR something. I will have to check the actual name and website tonight after I get home. I will post it on this thread tonight. They report being in business for about 30 years. As for the process. They put a little cotton plug in your ear canal (just barely) with a small string hanging out of your ear. They then use a plastic syringe to "inject" a thick silicone mixture into your ear and it is gently pressed to take the exact shape of your ear. As a physical therapist I was concerned about someone injecting anything into my head. But as my buddy pointed out the cotton plug kept it from coming out the other side.:) after a few minutes of hardening the new plugs are removed painlessly and allowed to dry. I had a cord attached to mine to keep them together. They are relatively easy to put in and take out and are comfortable. These plugs are avail for all types of applications including shooting, industrial work, swimming, they can put your walkman earphones in them, your mini communication device for your 007 work or concert performance etc etc. Also their price includes a storage case. hope this helps.

Martin Lutz
11-23-2004, 1:03 PM
Kevin, I have never been a fan of the soft yellow ones. They tend to irritate my ears for some reason and they dont seem to be as effective as these. Personal preference I guess.

Kevin Arceneaux
11-23-2004, 2:20 PM
No problem, I don't care for them that much either, I prefer Earsoft grippers or Howard-Leight Max, Laser lite, or Laser-Trak plugs. Not as much of a pain to out in.


On this page, on the right side their is a article about plugs molded to the individaul.

EAR is probably the name of the ones you looked at.