View Full Version : Finish Nails

Gregg Feldstone
05-27-2010, 11:40 PM
I Just bought the Hitachi NT65M2 16G Finish Nailer.
There were no Hitachi brand nails or any other Finish nails which stated they would fit this nailer at the store. I bought a box of Paslode and Bostich which claim to fit "most" nailers. Should any straight nails fit this nailer safely?

Rich Engelhardt
05-28-2010, 6:08 AM
Any straight 16 ga. should work.

Well,,let me qualify that.

Any good quality straight 16 ga. should work.

I use Bostitch, Porter Cable, Senco and Sears in my 16 ga. Porter Cable all the time.

I prefer to buy the PC ones in the bubble packs since they seem to stay fresher that way.
I've had some no name ones in green and white boxes from Lowes get a slight film of rust, which jammed the gun.

*snort* Some bargin!

I bought them off the closeout shelf for what I thought was a good price.
I ended up tossing about 5,000 of them.