View Full Version : Clearvue blast gates - date late and a dollar short

Jeff Qualmann
05-26-2010, 6:38 PM
Anybody a line on about 6 of the recently revised Clearview blast gates that are reportedly the bee's knees for 6" PVC duct work?

Now that Clearview is closed for business, it's hard to say if they will become available again. I keep checking the website hoping that the "buy me" links become active but no luck so far.

Spoz' if I have to I can fab some up, but I'm hoping to make the overall DC install quick and easy.


Jim O'Dell
05-26-2010, 8:08 PM
Have you emailed Ed? Just the other day someone asked about the gates on the CV forum, and Matt said they still had some in inventory. It would be worth a call to check! Jim.

Chuck Saunders
05-26-2010, 10:37 PM
Matt posted that everything was gone. I was fortunate to get 6 gates last week

tom A nelson
05-27-2010, 9:20 PM
I have six of the clearvue blast gates and a few I made myself. I actually like the shop made ones better. There are a few designs shown on SC. I used melamine and pvc pipe so it would be easy for you to do. A lot cheaper too. tom

Jim O'Dell
05-27-2010, 11:27 PM
I agree. I made all of mine. They are totally self cleaning. I do like the newer version of the CV gates better than the original version that I got (and sold:o). But I like the ones I built out of melamine shelving and 1/4" MDF better. And if you want clear ones, build some of these.151704 :rolleyes: I only had enough scrap to build one 4" one that feeds my overhead guard pick up. Jim.