View Full Version : Tools's's's Gloat

Nick Mastropietro
05-26-2010, 4:25 PM
I am visiting in the Atlanta GA area this week and decided to take a trip to Redmond Machinery in Nunan GA. Oh ya this turned out to be a good decision, a Jet Slow Speed Wet Sander normally selling for $299.99 a cool $75.00, it has a small chip in the stone but for that price I'll work it out. I picked up two Hold Fast vacuum chucks 3.5" for $29.00 and a 6" for $34.50. Sanding rolls for my 22x44 drum sander $5.00 each. The plane camber jig for the Jet Sander $56.48 everything but the sander was 50% off retail. I think I'm going to have to ship my daughter home UPS, I'm not sure she'll fit in the car.

alex carey
05-26-2010, 4:48 PM
That is a frickin DEAL, congratz on that.

Roland Martin
05-26-2010, 5:00 PM
I hear the VORTEX does allow for som frugallity. There's nothing like coming across sweet deals;) Congrats!

John Keeton
05-26-2010, 6:45 PM
Congrats, Nick. However, a true friend would have PM'd his fellow creekers and offered to pick up a few things for them!!!:D;)

Allen Neighbors
05-26-2010, 7:28 PM
What John said... :D I coulda used a couple of holdfasts....

Nick Mastropietro
05-26-2010, 7:57 PM
Congrats, Nick. However, a true friend would have PM'd his fellow creekers and offered to pick up a few things for them!!!:D;)

What John said... :D I coulda used a couple of holdfasts....

John, Alan
Come on guys, as much as I would love to help you guys out, that would have meant the wife would have to go UPS also. You know I can't do that, It would jeopardized future purchases, so maybe next time I'll try to keep you both in mind.

Ted Jay
05-26-2010, 8:47 PM
John, Alan
Come on guys, as much as I would love to help you guys out, that would have meant the wife would have to go UPS also. You know I can't do that, It would jeopardized future purchases, so maybe next time I'll try to keep you both in mind.

He could have rented a truck and let the wife take the daughter home, so he could drop off everyone's tools...:rolleyes:
UPS doesn't like shipping kids, unless you use water tight containers.:p

Nick Mastropietro
05-26-2010, 10:04 PM
He could have rented a truck and let the wife take the daughter home, so he could drop off everyone's tools...:rolleyes:
UPS doesn't like shipping kids, unless you use water tight containers.:p

Ok Ted, so the trip wasn't so well thought out. Maybe a u-haul would have been the best option, however I didn't know about the water tight containers, they're probable cheaper than renting a u-haul round trip. No matter what the wife is riding shotgun, nobodys ruining the good thing I got. Look at it this way, no tools for me menas no tool for you.;)

Aaron Wingert
05-26-2010, 10:33 PM
John, use your new moderator powers to execute some justice on Nick for his inconsiderate actions in not scoring some awesome deals for us and arranging delivery. :D

Nick, let me be the first to tell you that YOU SUCK (despite the fact that a gloat should be accompanied by pictures). Great score!

Steve Schlumpf
05-26-2010, 10:34 PM
Looks like a classic example of 'right place at the right time'! Congrats on all your new tools!

Cathy Schaewe
05-26-2010, 10:40 PM
John, Alan
Come on guys, as much as I would love to help you guys out, that would have meant the wife would have to go UPS also. You know I can't do that, It would jeopardized future purchases, so maybe next time I'll try to keep you both in mind.

Don't they have those car-top racks, where you can strap the extra stuff on top? You'd want to put the wife facing toward the back, so she didn't get bugs in her teeth . . . .:D

Mike Cruz
05-26-2010, 10:57 PM
What's the deal? You don't have to post pix in the Turner's section?

Ok, well, I just picked up a huge, um, 5hp, er, mega, aaahhhh, Southbend lathe for $20, no.... $10! Yeah, that's the ticket! And the guy sold me, no, he GAVE me these great HSS, I mean Titanium turning tools....

:rolleyes: ;) :D

Nick Mastropietro
05-27-2010, 12:15 AM
Ok Ok enough already, I am on vacation however I will take some time out of by busy day (sunning, eating, corn holing, did I say eating?, napping) to unbox and snap pix of the stuff. Never let it be said that I'm a virtual shopper. I will produce the proof tomorrow. Oh ya, the crack about the wife eating bugs was totally uncalled for. Do you not think I would put the top cover on to protect her?:cool:

Nick Mastropietro
05-27-2010, 10:33 AM
I know I'm relatively new to the Creek, but when did we as civilized people stop giving one another the benefit of the doubt. Well never mind, In an effort to satisfy the doubters among you and to protect my impeccable honor and reputation, here are the picture you have chided me to post. I trust that from this point forward my word will be considered as truth, you all do remember when a hand shake was all honorable people needed to seal a deal. Having had my say, I will forever more submit to the customs and time honored traditions of the The Creek and always post pictures with any and all future tool gloats. Never let it be said that I am an anarchist.

Nick Mastropietro
05-27-2010, 10:36 AM
And the reciept too !!!

John Keeton
05-27-2010, 11:47 AM
Now that is an exceptionally nice haul! NOW I believe you, Nick!:D
I trust that from this point forward my word will be considered as truth, you all do remember when a hand shake was all honorable people needed to seal a deal. Having had my say, I will forever more submit to the customs and time honored traditions of the The Creek and always post pictures with any and all future tool gloats. Never let it be said that I am an anarchist.Glad you feel this way, Nick. You understand, of course, that the requirement of pics with every gloat is a permanent thing. Redeeming one's self once doesn't give you a pass for future gloats. In fact, I think it may be the law of the land......I think I can find that somewhere.........Hmmmmm, I know I saw that wording......

Nick Mastropietro
05-27-2010, 12:06 PM
Now that is an exceptionally nice haul! NOW I believe you, Nick!:DGlad you feel this way, Nick. You understand, of course, that the requirement of pics with every gloat is a permanent thing. Redeeming one's self once doesn't give you a pass for future gloats. In fact, I think it may be the law of the land......I think I can find that somewhere.........Hmmmmm, I know I saw that wording......

Well John, I trust you completely when you say that pics with every gloat is the documented law. I'm not even going to ask you to provide a copy of the laws and regulation governing the ues of the Creek. Ya know being a Moderator and all is a postion requiring much respect and trust from those being moderated. :rolleyes:

Mike Cruz
05-27-2010, 2:18 PM
Sorry, Nick, the pics are in too low resolutilon. And there are no frilly laces around the edges. And the lighting is sub-par...

Oh, I'm just pullin' yer leg. Great gloat. Great nab. Looking forward to your next one!

Bernie Weishapl
05-27-2010, 2:22 PM
Congrats on a great buy on tools Nick.

Donny Lawson
05-27-2010, 10:21 PM
You should always keep in mind that the Greyhound bus goes all over the country.More tools should awlays be top priority:D.Especially when they are cheap but good.

Aaron Wingert
05-28-2010, 11:44 AM
Jeez Nick, we're just hacking on you! Don't misread the fact that we always scream for pics to accompany a gloat to mean that we don't believe you...We just like to see pics of new tools, wood or whatever people score!

Great stuff you picked up!!! :D

Nick Mastropietro
05-28-2010, 12:58 PM
Jeez Nick, we're just hacking on you! Don't misread the fact that we always scream for pics to accompany a gloat to mean that we don't believe you...We just like to see pics of new tools, wood or whatever people score!

Great stuff you picked up!!! :D

Aaron, easy big guy this has all been just a back and forth good natured go around. John I sure hope you didn't misunderstand. If anybody else took my comments as anything more than jesting, I apologize.

John Keeton
05-28-2010, 3:22 PM
Nick, I certainly didn't take any offense - in fact I was having fun. I mean...how often can a short little southern boy pick on a big ol' buckeye boy and not have to worry about gettin' whupped!!!:D;) I thought you were takin' it purty good for a Yankee!!:D:D:cool:

Aaron Wingert
05-28-2010, 3:54 PM
Just makin' sure Nick! Didn't want to offend you by teasing about pics, glad it wasn't taken that way. :D

Ron Lynch
05-28-2010, 7:18 PM
I thought all we needed were photos for gloats, now we need receipts too?

Ray Bell
05-28-2010, 7:23 PM
Soon it may be photos, receipts, and notarized documents sworn from two eye witnesses. See what happens when the lawyers become moderators!!!;)

BTW, nice score (s) Nick.

John Keeton
05-28-2010, 7:57 PM
See what happens when the lawyers become moderators!!!;).It can only get worse Ray, only get worse!!!!;):D:D

Aaron Wingert
05-28-2010, 8:16 PM
It can only get worse Ray, only get worse!!!!;):D:D

I hear that John is currently drafting the release that we must all sign before taking any advice we get here. :p

John Keeton
05-28-2010, 8:43 PM
I hear that John is currently drafting the release that we must all sign before taking any advice we get here. :pAaron, it is just about done, but exceeds the file upload capacity. Very difficult for me to say much in less than 25 pages!!!:D Would you mind doing the editing???:confused:

Ray Bell
05-28-2010, 9:21 PM
"Very difficult for me to say much in less than 25 pages"!!!

Well done John, that is funny:)

Nick Mastropietro
05-28-2010, 10:43 PM
All is well, harmony has been restored to the vortex.

Cathy Schaewe
05-28-2010, 10:47 PM
All is well, harmony has been restored to the vortex.

Whew! I just assumed you would know I was kidding about the wife and the bugs - we all know that if you were buying even more than you did, it'd be you on the car top! ;)

Nick Mastropietro
05-29-2010, 12:30 AM
Whew! I just assumed you would know I was kidding about the wife and the bugs - we all know that if you were buying even more than you did, it'd be you on the car top! ;)

Cathy if I would have bought 1 cent more I would have been required to sell the harley just to avoid a divorce, and THAT ain't happenin !

John Keeton
05-29-2010, 7:52 AM
...sell the harley just to avoid a divorce, and THAT ain't happenin !Which? The Harley or the divorce????

Nick, under no circumstances should you respond to this question!!!!:D It is rhetorical! Do not respond!!!!;) You have already dug a pretty deep hole!

Nick Mastropietro
05-29-2010, 10:01 AM
I'll just say YES! Now am I going to have to pay for that legal advise or is this a part of your Moderator services?

John Keeton
05-29-2010, 11:01 AM
The bill is already in the mail - sure glad you didn't ask my opinion on the weather - that would have been a separate charge!:D