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View Full Version : Craigslist can be so weird

john davey
05-25-2010, 1:35 PM
I answered an add in my local CL for 7 chisels - $20. Figured what the heck if I get one or two users in there I would be happy. Call the guy up and he says at least 3 are old with wooden handles so I am interested. He also mentions he can meet me within a mile of my house so I set it up. Well he shows up and all the chisels are crap and I'm feeling bumbed. Kinda promised the guy I would buy them cause he drove out there. On the phone we did talk about bringing any other woodworking tools you may want to part with. Well, he had a beat up Bailey No. 4, 9 spring clamps and over 300 sheets of sandpaper neatly organized in file folders going all the way to 2000 grit. Got the rest of the stuff for near nothing so I am now not as bumbed. You just never know with CL. I started out thinking I would get some user chisels and ended up with a plane, some clamps and a lifetime supply (for m) of sandpaper. Just thought it was kinda weird. Oh and 0ne of the chisels did sharpen up nicely and is a fine user. The rest I crudely sharpened and through them in my travel toolbox. They will be used without a thought of damage so I guess they will save a better tool. So I am happy. I will post a pic of the plane for a little help with it tonight. It has an odd cap on it kinda like a block plane. I don't think this is a Stanley but am not really up to speed on plane history. Did they just make Bailey without the Stanley name? .. Sorry I guess I rambled a little here. John.

Jim Koepke
05-25-2010, 2:13 PM
Oh and 0ne of the chisels did sharpen up nicely and is a fine user. The rest I crudely sharpened and through them in my travel toolbox. They will be used without a thought of damage so I guess they will save a better tool. So I am happy. I will post a pic of the plane for a little help with it tonight. It has an odd cap on it kinda like a block plane. I don't think this is a Stanley but am not really up to speed on plane history. Did they just make Bailey without the Stanley name? .. Sorry I guess I rambled a little here. John.

Good idea about the chisels. My accumulation has a lot of junkers for rough work that my good chisels are not allowed to get near.

Starting with the type 9 bench planes, Bailey's name was cast into the plane body. Stanley is usually stamped into the lateral lever and blade. Later the Stanley name was included on the lever cap.

There are also planes made by Leonard Bailey that have his name on them and no other names.

There was also another firm that was owned by a person with the name Bailey. It is my understanding that they also made a few planes.


Bill Houghton
05-25-2010, 2:20 PM
Leonard Bailey took out his first plane-related patent in 1855 (according to Wikipedia, he started producing planes in 1860), and Stanley took over his company in 1878. I have this vague recollection of there being another plane company with "Bailey" in the name, but am not an historian of planes.

Could be you have some fabulous collectible; on the other hand, I recently picked up a Stanley 220 block plane on which some genius had planted a broken bench plane cap, presumably when s/he lost the original cap. Didn't work worth a darn in that application.

jerry nazard
05-25-2010, 3:14 PM
Aah... you could indeed have a Frankenplane lurking in your midst. Careful....

Seems to me that getting a generous supply of sandpaper, especially up in the 2000 range, is a good score. That stuff is getting mighty pricey and is mighty useful.

Christian Castillo
05-25-2010, 10:14 PM
Craigslist can definitely be weird. I spent the last 6 months checking that site daily for a deal on chisels or combination squares. I check everyday and the one day I don't check, someone posts 3 marples chisels and an 80$ japanese bench chisel for 20$!. Then someone else posts a near new condition starrett 12" combination square with hardened head, protractor, and center finder for 20$. Contacted the posters asap but the items were sold in the first hour of posting. I nearly let a scream out. Craigslist is such a funny place.

Leigh Betsch
05-25-2010, 11:00 PM
I agree, weird is right. I just bought a 8ft slab of marble and the guy threw in 4 old hand planes.

Josh Bowman
05-26-2010, 7:44 AM
His story is the reason I like used stuff. Like if you're selling a boat or something....all the accessories go with it, unlike new. When someone sells used tools, there is usually other stuff they want to move and for cheap, just to get it out of the way. I'm the same way.

Jim Koepke
05-26-2010, 2:21 PM
His story is the reason I like used stuff. Like if you're selling a boat or something....all the accessories go with it, unlike new. When someone sells used tools, there is usually other stuff they want to move and for cheap, just to get it out of the way. I'm the same way.

It is all in the feel of the deal. If the person has the air of looking for stuff they can sell for a profit I am not likely to throw in anything great. If they have the aura of someone who is interested in the items and will give them a good home, then it is more likely some of my other items will be tossed in the pot to make it a sweet deal.


john davey
05-27-2010, 7:23 AM
Here are a few shots of the plane. $5 so I am not complaining if it is just the beat up use I think it is....




Jon Toebbe
05-27-2010, 10:19 AM

Now that is an interesting assortment of parts... Looks like a block plane got frisky with a bench plane... Now kids, this is why we keep our planes separated in the till! :p

Looks like the casting is okay -- just needs a dip in some citric acid. Might make a nice base for a Stanley infill project. The rest... dunno, seems like quite a grab bag.