View Full Version : Spalted Maple Chair

Prashun Patel
05-24-2010, 7:09 PM
I just finished this Maloof style chair. I've been meaning to do something with this spalted maple slab for a while now. It's from Scott Morrison's plans for a bar stool. It's kind of a Franken-chair; just an experiment. Comments welcome!

Prashun Patel
05-24-2010, 7:12 PM
It's finished in blonde shellac. The leg joints are squared off - not rounded over like Maloof's. I wanted to see if it made construction any easier.

tyler mckenzie
05-24-2010, 7:43 PM
I wanted to see if it made construction any easier.

Did it?

Great work. Was there any punky parts in the maple?

Paul Saffold
05-24-2010, 9:28 PM
Nice looking.

Jim Becker
05-24-2010, 9:32 PM
Shawn, that's really great work! The use of the spalted maple is unique and different for this kind of piece, too. Nice!

gary Zimmel
05-24-2010, 10:13 PM
That is one funky looking chair Shawn....
Great job.

Prashun Patel
05-24-2010, 10:53 PM
Thanks all. I won't be offended if you say 'eeeewwwwww!' I did this for fun and to test some aesthetic limits!

I was able to avoid seriously punky areas of the original slab. Spalted maple can feel like pine, which makes it hard to finesse when shaping lines. I filled wormholes with epoxy and sawdust.

In test pieces, darker, oil finishes tended to blotch or darken in undesirable ways. Shellac was the easiest way to keep the color neutral and even.

The legs are normally cut out of wide, squared stock in order to make the joints easy to cut at the tablesaw. Because I had limited stock to work with, I had to bandsaw the legs to rough shape before cutting the joints. That was tricky. However, part of the fun is figuring out how to maximize the stock. I understand that means my grain matching leaves something to be desired. I also assembled the chair first and then shaped it. That was a mistake.

I'm hoping to make a similarly styled chairswing out of cherry next.

Brian Kent
05-25-2010, 3:28 AM
Shawn. It's awesome. Keep going. I'll catch up someday and join you again. I really love the wood!

John Keeton
05-25-2010, 6:31 AM
Shawn, that is a beautiful piece!! And, what makes it special is that it is your design. While it may be Maloof inspired, you apparently did this one without a set of plans designed by someone else, and that is a challenge!!

Great job, and an excellent choice of wood!

Prashun Patel
05-25-2010, 8:19 AM
And, what makes it special is that it is your design. While it may be Maloof inspired, you apparently did this one without a set of plans designed by someone else, and that is a challenge!!

Thanks JK. Not true, though. I used Scott Morrison's Contemporary Baur Stool plans. All design credit goes to him. All I did was cut it off at the knees to make a chair instead of a stool. My NEXT project will be sans-plans, though... FWIW, his pieces are really magnificent if yr a Maloof-style fan.

www.finewoodworker.com (http://www.finewoodworker.com)

ps: I'm not in cahoots with or compensated by him; just a big fan.

Mark Ball
05-25-2010, 9:40 AM
Fantastic!! The choice of spalted maple really makes this a cool piece. I recently made some blanket chests out of spalted maple, I know the integrity of that wood wouldn't have stood up well in chair form. Is this chair sturdy enough for daily use, or more for a decorative piece? Either way, great job.

Prashun Patel
05-25-2010, 10:10 AM
It's a decorative piece. The squared joints are the 'cheap' way out. It's straight forward to chisel them. However, if one has a matched roundover/rabbet set, it's easier to do it that way. The rounded corners actually feel more elegant. Next time I'll do it that way.

Next time I'll also bite the bullet for a massive roundover bit. It'll make the edgework go a lot quicker.

Milind Patil
05-25-2010, 10:13 AM
You are on roll dude ! I see a future "Fine Chairs Specialist" here. First the rocker and now this one.

Very elegant piece of work !

Rod Upfold
05-25-2010, 5:47 PM
Shawn - I really like the chair (envious)

Although the back is a bit low for me - I am 6' 4"


Jeff Wittrock
05-25-2010, 8:36 PM

That is one cool looking chair!

I think the spalted maple goes real well with the faired joints.


Jim Tobias
05-25-2010, 10:22 PM
I love the design and the wood choice. I think it makes not only for what appears to be a comfortable chair, but also a very interesting piece of furniture.
I really like it!!


Joe A Faulkner
05-25-2010, 11:01 PM
Stunning. If I had to pick between this one and the rocker, I'd probably go for the rocker (I'm more of a traditionalist), but I can't imagine anyone seeing that chair and it not evoking some type of response. It seems like only yesterday you posted the rocker. Are you getting any sleep? :)

James Sweeney
05-26-2010, 1:56 PM
Great job!! I really like it. I love spalted maple, but I don't think everything looks good in spalted maple, but this piece I really like spalted for some reason. it has a rustic outdoorsy look to it. I like it the way it is. Looks comfy too. Great idea and follow through.

Michelle Rich
05-27-2010, 3:07 PM
this is one striking chair..lovely lines

Hans Braul
05-29-2010, 9:07 AM
I love the chair - really an eye-catcher. I like how you're prepared to challenge convention.

Van Huskey
05-30-2010, 2:38 AM
I love it, very coo!

I want to do a Tulip chair and have been putting it off for ages, now I am waiting on Chares Brock to bring out his plans, then I can use wood choice and collection for my next procrastination and I guess it will be the specific tools I need... maybe I'll get started in a decade or so!

Gregg Feldstone
05-30-2010, 5:24 AM
I like it a lot. Thanks for posting the pics.