View Full Version : segmented vessel

Michelle Rich
05-24-2010, 6:33 PM
Hello. This is my first post to the forum. This curly maple & purpleheart vessel has over 800 pieces (36/row) I cut it all with my arm powered miterbox and sanded each piece by hand on a cast iron surface. (with hundreds of white joints, any irregularity would show) Hope my first post makes the grade.!!!!;)

Steve Schlumpf
05-24-2010, 6:54 PM
Michelle - Welcome to the Creek!!!

Beautiful vase! Great form, colors and design! Looking forward to seeing more of your work!

Curt Fuller
05-24-2010, 7:05 PM
That's a beautiful vase. But I have to tell you that what really impressed me was that you cut all those segments with a hand saw, and then hand sanded them on top of that. It makes the vase even nicer to look at knowing that.

Tim Boger
05-24-2010, 7:06 PM
Hello. This is my first post to the forum. This curly maple & purpleheart vessel has over 800 pieces (36/row) I cut it all with my arm powered miterbox and sanded each piece by hand on a cast iron surface. (with hundreds of white joints, any irregularity would show) Hope my first post makes the grade.!!!!;)

Outstanding piece!

Did you say, "I cut it all with my arm powered miterbox and sanded each piece by hand on a cast iron surface".


Tony De Masi
05-24-2010, 7:08 PM
First off Welcome to the Creek.

Secondly that is one georgous piece. Very well done.


Thom Sturgill
05-24-2010, 7:14 PM
Definitely a glutton for punishment! Lovely vase, very impressive!

Malcolm Tibbetts
05-24-2010, 7:39 PM
I cut it all with my arm powered miterbox and sanded each piece by hand on a cast iron surface.

Michelle, great job! What's the size? Do you have a fear of power tools or was this just a personal challenge? Are you familiar with the Bridge City Tools? They have what's probably the finest hand-powered miter saw available - the Jointmaker Pro v2. Here's a link: http://www.bridgecitytools.com/Categories/Woodworking+Tools/Jointmaker+

Randy Gazda
05-24-2010, 8:04 PM
Very nice work.

Michelle Rich
05-24-2010, 8:43 PM
Michelle, great job! What's the size? Do you have a fear of power tools or was this just a personal challenge? Are you familiar with the Bridge City Tools? They have what's probably the finest hand-powered miter saw available - the Jointmaker Pro v2. Here's a link: http://www.bridgecitytools.com/Categories/Woodworking+Tools/Jointmaker+ I am familiar with the Bridge city miter box, unfortunately my pocketbook gets a big, big laugh over that idea. A fear of power tools? Hardly.:eek: Personal challenge sounds like a great reason. I use the swedish mitersaw, and it's accurate as all get out. I use it in the winter when my shop is 40 below zero and I can bring the saw & my Jet 1642 & and a tiny tablesaw in the house and then have a good winter until I can get back outside. The vase is about 11x8 Thanks for your questions

Richard Madison
05-24-2010, 8:45 PM
Beautiful piece, skillfully made, and what an enormous amount of work the way you did it! Welcome to the forum Michelle? Hope to see more of your work.

David E Keller
05-24-2010, 8:54 PM
Welcome to the Creek! That's a very nice piece you started off with... expectations are now very high!:D

gary Zimmel
05-24-2010, 10:05 PM
Welcome to the Creek Michelle.
Great way to wade in....
Beautiful job one this one and looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Mike Golka
05-24-2010, 11:58 PM
That's a fine looking vase Michelle. Very well done.

Mark Burge
05-25-2010, 12:13 AM
Welcome. Looks like the vortex already got a hold of you. Glad you decided to spin around here with us. That is a great vase. Instead of making the grade, you are skewing the curve!

Jeff Nicol
05-25-2010, 4:52 AM
Michelle, It looks as though you have been using the lathe and many other wood working tools for a while now! That is a beautiful segmented piece and with all the elbow grease and sweat put into it you out did yourself! The saw Malcolm mentioned is very cool, but way out of my price range too! But a beautiful unit none the less.

Keep posting an welcome again,


John Keeton
05-25-2010, 6:21 AM
Michelle, I am impressed!! While I do not personally care much for segmentation, you certainly nailed this one. And, the handwork aspect of your accomplishment simply adds to the challenge. Very nice work - great form, and nice contrast with the woods. The joinery is superb!

Welcome to the creek!! If you don't mind, where are you situated?? -40* winters sounds like you might be one of our Canadian turners!?

Michelle Rich
05-25-2010, 7:57 AM
Thanks to all, for your lovely welcome to the forum, and for all the appreciative comments for my vessel. It is the finest I have made, and I wanted to get my street creds on my first post.:rolleyes: It will also force me to try to "go one better". :)

steven carter
05-25-2010, 11:04 AM

If you "go one better" than this one I want to see it. Beautiful vessel, the
maple and purple heart looks wonderful, I hope it looks as nice when the purple heart changes color, I'm betting it will.


Ryan Baker
05-25-2010, 9:03 PM
Michelle, welcome and congratulations on a spectacular first post! Looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Nathan Hawkes
05-25-2010, 9:44 PM
Welcome, Michelle! Gorgeous wood, and WOW I'm impressed at the level of time and attention to detail you put into your work. Forty below, huh? As mild as it is in Virginia, I get by with a little woodstove in an uninsulated shed that has become my shop. A table saw injury in january has left me with a terrible sensitivity to cold weather from compromised circulation. I don't know if I could handle 40 below! I look forward to seeing your next posted work!

Michelle Rich
05-25-2010, 9:59 PM
Michelle, I am impressed!! While I do not personally care much for segmentation, you certainly nailed this one. And, the handwork aspect of your accomplishment simply adds to the challenge. Very nice work - great form, and nice contrast with the woods. The joinery is superb!

Welcome to the creek!! If you don't mind, where are you situated?? -40* winters sounds like you might be one of our Canadian turners!? Hi John...nope, but as Sarah Palin would say: I CAN SEE CANADA OUT MY WINDOW !!!!:D