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jason lambert
05-24-2010, 10:07 AM
I am in NJ I have been looking for lumber to make cutting boards out of, wallnut, cherry etc. I would like 8/4 or something thinker than 3/4". Every time I go to a lumber yard all they have is 3/4 boards. There has got to be someone out there with small thick pieces for cheap, any sugestions?

How about ordering over the internet?

glenn bradley
05-24-2010, 10:40 AM
You may be having difficulty due to trying to find a bargain in your area. Thicker and wider lumber is more expensive per board foot where I am. My last lumber run about a month ago I paid $6.30/bf for 8/4 walnut. I wish I had an uncle or something "out there" where folks get walnut for $2 a board foot. Where is that anyway? It sure doesn't seem to be near either coast ;-)

Conrad Fiore
05-24-2010, 10:52 AM
Have you tried Jaeger Lumber in Madison or Boards and Beams in Fairfield?

jason lambert
05-24-2010, 11:41 AM
I tried Jaeger they had some but very litle colorful wood and not much in thincker stuff all 3/4. Also they only had big pieces, which is fine, but I feel guilty cutting down a nice think 8' board into little scraps to do sgmented work and cutting boards.

Neal Clayton
05-24-2010, 11:58 AM
I tried Jaeger they had some but very litle colorful wood and not much in thincker stuff all 3/4. Also they only had big pieces, which is fine, but I feel guilty cutting down a nice think 8' board into little scraps to do sgmented work and cutting boards.

there are no 2 foot tall trees that produce 2xs. whether you cut them shorter or the lumberyard cuts them shorter, it gets done at some point ;).

why not buy less than optimal 2xs in long lengths, then cut around the knots?

Conrad Fiore
05-24-2010, 1:07 PM
I guess you are looking for dressed, not rough lumber?

David Thompson 27577
05-24-2010, 1:59 PM
Depending on just where in NJ you are, you swhould seriously consider taking a trip to http://www.hearnehardwoods.com/

This is one of the premier supplier of quality hardwoods in the world. And you are probably only and hour or so away.

(I have no affiliation, no association. I'm in NC, and have only been there once. It was a religious experience.)

glenn bradley
05-24-2010, 4:27 PM
I feel guilty cutting down a nice think 8' board into little scraps to do sgmented work and cutting boards.

There's no harm there. The parts for everything I make started out larger :). I do understand that feeling though; I often hem and haw over my own scrap bin looking for something smaller to make "that" out of.

Stephen Cherry
05-28-2010, 12:23 AM
Hearne hardwoods would be worth the trip.

Eiji Fuller
05-28-2010, 12:54 AM
Holy Slab Man!

Rich Engelhardt
05-28-2010, 6:56 AM

For sizes that could be used for cutting boards you need to be around during cutting and then you can take all the free offcuts you want home to bandsaw out what you need.
(& from your profile)

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Anyone care to wager those stats for Josh are bound to change real quick? :D
I mean, like, an offer for free wood on a WW'ing board?!?!