View Full Version : Hollow forms video?

Harvey Ghesser
05-23-2010, 5:32 PM
Can anyone suggest a good video on making hollow forms?:confused:

Mike Minto
05-23-2010, 6:55 PM
Harvey, YouTube is full of turning videos - some clips of pro's, and full videos of amateurs. Show us what you make!

Harvey Ghesser
05-23-2010, 9:21 PM
Thanks Mike,

I'll be posting some pictures (but not of hollow forms) in the very near future. I have mostly lurked and learned from a great bunch of Creekers and hopefully can pay it forward! Stay tuned!

I have been to many hard knock schools in my day and just don't want to attend class that way anymore. That's why I was asking about a video. I've taken private lessons with Bill Grumbine and I couldn't believe how my turning improved.

Appreciate your advise!


David Peebles
05-24-2010, 1:27 AM
Hi Harvey,

One of the first I bought was the John Jordan video "Hollow Turning"

I still think it is one of the best ever produced. I learned a lot from it. I also like the David Ellsworth video on hollow turning, either one will get you on the road to blind turning.

I have had mine so long that the are both VHS. I hear there is this new format called dvd or something. :)

Best wishes,


Harvey Ghesser
05-24-2010, 9:24 AM

Thanks for making my life a little bit easier! :)


Don Geiger
05-24-2010, 6:43 PM
I strongly suggest John Jordan's video(s). John is one of the best at making beautiful hollow forms. His approach is simple and does not require a ton of tools.

John,s web site is: www.johnjordanwoodturning.com (http://www.johnjordanwoodturning.com)

Don Geiger

Harvey Ghesser
05-25-2010, 9:52 AM
Hi Don,

I took Dave's advise and ordered the John Jordan video yesterday.

I also took your advise and bought some Balistol to use on the ways of my lathe. Love the stuff!! You had mentioned it here a few weeks ago.

Thank you, Don!:D


Steve Kubien
05-26-2010, 6:25 PM
I've only seen two, Lyle Jamiseon's and Mike Mahoney's. Lyle uses his own captured rig while Mike is a free-hander. Both are very good and easy to recommend.

Harvey Ghesser
05-26-2010, 6:30 PM
Thanks, Steve!

I'll look them both up. I have ordered the John Jordan video and will report on it when I've seen it.
