View Full Version : Putting the 46-460 through the paces!

Jeff Nicol
05-22-2010, 6:02 PM
Afternoon fellow wood spinners!!

I have been getting things cleaned up around the shop and yard for a family visit this next week. My BIL is coming up from Louisiana with 4 of his 5 boys and his new grandson! So while my wife is up watching our grandson I get to play a little too! This is a chunk of ash that has a few cracks and some nice figure in it and started out about 12"x8" and close to 30#. Once I got it pretty round I could speed it up a bit and finally got it to a rough shape. Not as fast as the PM3520B but in a pinch that little machine is willing to take on all I can toss at it. I am going to Canada for a 4 day fishing trip next Friday so I may not get any more done on it for an update.

I guess this is for all those guys who are thinking of buying the Delta 46-460, it is a great little lathe!

Steve Schlumpf
05-22-2010, 6:18 PM
Jeff - looking forward to seeing this one finished! Looks like you have that lathe just about maxed out!

Best of luck with your fishing trip! Going after anything in particular?

John Keeton
05-22-2010, 6:43 PM
Now, that is a chunk of ash!! I haven't put anything that big on my 46-460, but I have no doubt it will handle it.

Enjoy the family, and the fishing trip next week - hope the old back and shoulders hold out and you have good health for the trip.

Allen Neighbors
05-22-2010, 6:56 PM
Quit bragging!! ...the fishing trip, I mean... :D
Quite a chunk of wood to be putting on that itty bitty lathe. :)
Don't forget to post a pic when you're finished! (fishing, and turning, too)....

Rick Hutcheson
05-22-2010, 8:32 PM
That will work the lathe a little but it still has more to give. I have been using the lathe for quite awhile now, even been coring with the Macnaughtn. over 200 cores now, on it. It has taken all or the work I have been able to throw at it.
It is a good solid well built lathe.

Thomas Canfield
05-22-2010, 9:25 PM
That is a chunk on a little lathe. I expect you have it bolted down well and the lower speed allowed you to get it started. The slow speeds were needed for the original mini (medi) lathes with 500 just too fast for almost anything of size that was not cut from flat stock.

Baxter Smith
05-22-2010, 10:08 PM
Quite a load and challenge on that lathe.

Bill Bulloch
05-23-2010, 7:53 AM
Thirty pounds --- Wow. I have been afraid to take on something that heavy on my 46-460. I did rough out a large Poplar bowl without any problems at all, but even then (out of fear), I made sure it was well balanced by rounding it on my bandsaw. I rounded it to a 12 inch diamenter and plained it flat(ish) to about 7 inches. It's in the kiln drying now.

Jeff Nicol
05-23-2010, 8:14 AM
I started out just cutting it pretty round on the band saw. Once it was mounted on the woodworm screw and supported by the tailstock it spun almost perfectly, luck is a good thing! I started out on the medium pulley and used a 1/4" bowl gouge to do most of the roughing. Then was able to speed it up to about #3-4 on the speed dial. Where I have it mounted is not the best, but a new stand is in the works that will be portable and all steel. It vibrated a small amount but was able to use a 1/2" gouge to finish the rounding. Good sharp tools and not trying to take to big a cut and it worked very well. Just came in for some breakfast and my meds so I can get a few more projects done before I have to tackle the honey do list!

I just love this little lathe!
Have a great Sunday,


Ray Bell
05-23-2010, 10:55 AM
Good review, and great gloat....4 days in Canada fishing... I'm envious. Have fun.