View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments...PICS

Dennis Peacock
11-22-2004, 10:28 AM
Well, another weekend has come and gone. Didn't really get a lot of shop time this weekend, but I did get some very needed shop time. The attached bowl is decayed Red Oak and I call it: "Life" as the bowl is beautiful, fragile and wild. It came off the lathe 3 times on me and it was so difficult to turn and keep in one piece that I could only get it mostly finished before I had to apply shellac to it to keep it solid.

Any way....it's not the turner I'm pointing to here....it's the beauty of this wood.

So what did YOU do this weekend?

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!!!

Ken Fitzgerald
11-22-2004, 10:59 AM
Dennis....I like the coloring and figure in the wood!

Saturday....shopped for all the breakers for my electrical service panel for the shop. Raked leaves. Had 2 young couples over....I had introduced the guys and they became hunting partners this season. The wives had never met. One wife teaches at the school where SWMBO works. The evening went well with the two couples and their 3,5,6 year olds here, too! It was nice to hear the laughter of young children in the house again.

Sunday put in a lot of time on my electrical rough-in on the shop.

Jim Becker
11-22-2004, 11:02 AM
Wow...that's "gnarly", Dennis!

My weekend was not hugely productive when it comes to time in the shop as we had a number of errands to run including buying a new mattress system for the MBR (time for the 12 year old mattress to go away!) as well as helping an associate of Dr. SWMBO hook up his new flat screen system and DVD. (The place he bought from gave too many cables which just confused everything...) But what shop time I got was a nice break from my week in "Sin City" (Las Vegas) for a sales and technical conference for which I was both a technical sesson facilitator and an attendee starting last Sunday. (Wayne Brady, who is a spokes-person for my employer, was the entertainment Wednesday night and if you ever have a chance to see him perform live...go for it. He's an amazing and very smart man!)

So...in the shop I got the armoire dyed (see other thread for pics), refinished a lazy susan for the above mentioned associate of Ali's and got started on a very special turning/carving for a close friend. (No pictures on that until it's done...sorry, I need to give serious thought about what I'm going to say about it before posting details)

This week, I'm going to try to get the armoire done over the long holiday weekend...just have some shellac and clear coating with USL to go. And with luck, some spinny activity of which I have not seen much of lately.

Wes Newman
11-22-2004, 11:08 AM
Dennis- Nice looking bowl, I don't think you'll be eating soup out of that one though.;)

Mark Valsi
11-22-2004, 11:18 AM
I savored the victory of OHIO STATE over that school up north 37-21

Kevin Arceneaux
11-22-2004, 11:37 AM
As I did Penn state's over the other one from that state. Sunday I kept hoping they would switch away from the blowouts on CBS, we got the Ain't's on one channel and Indy on the other, to the Steeler's game. But they didn't. :(

I redid the faucet in the kitchen sink - see off topic forum for my fun with that project. I also put together the box for the window seat/hope chest combo. I hope to get the trim finished up over the long weekend.

Kelly C. Hanna
11-22-2004, 11:49 AM
That's a beautiful bowl Dennis! Great name for it too.

We went camping in Beaver's Bend, OK. I call it "Little Hot Springs" since it's in the Oachitas westernmost range. Sure reminds me of the area around Lake Oachita. We had a great time....at least until the head gasket blew in my truck on the way back...63 mile tow truck runs aren't that much fun, but at least we made it home safely.

Dan Mages
11-22-2004, 12:59 PM
The weather was crummy on saturday so I did some good work on a cargo shelf for my friend's PT Cruiser. This is just a mock up of the final product. Unfortunately, I need to redo the uposltered panels because they are about 1/8 of an inch too large to fit. I did not take into account the padding and the fabric. It also needs a couple coats of wax and some sort of piping for the expansion areas at the top and bottom.


Dick Parr
11-22-2004, 4:31 PM
Finished up some Christmas presents on Saturday and on Sunday fellow Creeker Bill Chapman came over and we made some Corian cutting boards. Bill got a couple of truck loads of Corian scraps a few weeks ago.

After the Corian dust settled in the shop I put 6 coats of Deft semi gloss on a shelf that is present for the neighbor across the street. His wife wanted it for him. On the back of the shelf is his name spelled in musical notes "Shawn". Used red oak and walnut.

Tyler Howell
11-22-2004, 4:47 PM
Wow Dick! You've been busy! Very Nice.:cool:

Had a great weekend with family and Creeker friends.
Only did shopping for the shop this weekend but I'm anxious to play with my new toyls

Mark Duksta
11-22-2004, 5:58 PM
Hello Everyone,

I don't post many pictures, but heres a pic of a storage project I finished up this weekend. It's a Shop Notes project. I'm in the process of hanging tools on it right now.

Kent Cori
11-22-2004, 7:00 PM
I prepared 150 bf of cherry for two large bookcases that I am building. My $15 Jointer Clamps came in handy. Man, what a mess I made! :D

Scott Coffelt
11-22-2004, 8:39 PM
We had my sons first B-day party with friends (he turned 5). In all we had 8 kids joining Gabe for some time at Chuckee Cheese. Pretty fun for all I believe. Sunday was spent for a small family get together B-day party.

Side gloat, my nephews team qualified for Kansas 6A State in football and plays this next weekend.

I finished a box which I will post in awhile.

Watched the Chronicals of Riddick, very weird.

11-22-2004, 9:38 PM
I just downloaded a couple weeks worth of pics, so I'll throw 'em here. The first shows some progress on my miter station including drawers. The drawers for my router table are also shown. It's almost done now.

I finally got my Forrest ChopMaster blade for the TwinLaser. The result is acceptable, but not exceptional. The second pic shows a cut by the ChopMaster, then cut on my SmartMiter using my WWII. I'm not sure if it's the blade or the saw, but I much prefer the WWII side. This was the cutoff side too, meaning the part wasn't even supported during the cut, it fell a half inch when the cut was complete.

Saturday night, I flattened plane bottoms and sharpened blades. The third pic shows the results.

Sunday, I prepped and cut some parts for a Texas hold'em style poker table I'm helping a friend build.


Jack Hogoboom
11-23-2004, 11:09 AM

That is one sweet looking miter station. Please share the details!!!


11-23-2004, 1:23 PM

That is one sweet looking miter station. Please share the details!!!


Thanks Jack. It is pretty much inspired by Norms. It's 14' long by 3' wide coutertops. The countertops are 2 layers of 3/4" MDF with 1/4" hardboard top edged with Ash. The left is 4' and right 8' with 2' of mitersaw in the center. The 2 cabinets are made of a plethora of borg ply (birch, maple, maple/birch from both orange and blue borgs). Faceframes and drawer fronts are more cheap (B grade) Ash. The 5 drawers (so far) are 1/2" BB dovetailed front and back. I used 28" deep CSH drawer slides. Those things fit a lot of stuff :). I will make some doors and shelves for the other cabinets eventually and plan on putting a scrap bin under the miter saw which sits on a 2x4 framework that is adjustable for height relative to the tops. On the far right, a simple frame of 2x4 and ply attached to cabinet and wall holds the counter top up. I'll probably make another cabinet to go there eventually. The whole thing sits at the same height as my tablesaw and can help support large pieces as I'm preparing to push them through.

Overall, I'm happy with the way it turned out. I still need to put some sort of fence and stop block arrangement for the miter saw. But, I'm mulling over how I want to work that as I like the open countertops.


keith zimmerman
11-23-2004, 3:49 PM
Had my kids over to visit and we saw went to see The Polar Express. After they went home on Sunday, I turned a new potpourri bowl from ash, and some bottle stoppers and Christmas ornaments from various woods. All these will be going up to my Lady's shop in Minneapolis this weekend. It seems that I have had a modicum of success selling my wares in her shop.
