View Full Version : "The jury has reached a verdict!"

John Keeton
05-20-2010, 1:08 PM
After 37 years of practicing law, I have long since reached the conclusion that juries are totally unpredictable, and their verdicts often defy reason. And, this is just one more example!

I recently submitted a few of my latest turnings for juried admission to the local art guild gallery. I really did not expect to get accepted, but as mentioned, juries do strange things. They accepted my "turned wood art objects" as they described them, and so now I have 7 pieces on exhibit, and for sale. I suspect this may be a situation where they had a couple of display shelves empty!

We are in a small town, but 20 minutes from Lexington KY, so we do get some regional traffic. Pretty small potatoes, but I guess a feller has to start somewhere!:o

Notwithstanding the small venue, and probably less than critical assessment of my work, I am excited, so I thought I would share!

The top shelf and bottom shelf contain turnings by another local woodturner, including the very nice hat on the lower shelf.

Doug W Swanson
05-20-2010, 1:13 PM

Nicely done. I sure hope you get top dollar for your items because they are very nice!

Good luck!

Dwight McNutt
05-20-2010, 1:14 PM
Doesn't surprise me. They just know a piece of art when they see one. I think your not aware of the inspiration you give the rest of us with your turnings that are a several steps above normal. You have a great eye for a piece of wood and can do with your hands what you see. Not many people can do both.

Bill Wilcox
05-20-2010, 1:23 PM
Well I for one know that you wouldn't need to tamper with any jury concerning the wonderful pieces you do.
Your work would even be accepted by the Supreme Court, CONGRATS!!!
Bill Wilcox

Roland Martin
05-20-2010, 1:33 PM
Congratulations John, I'm looking at it that finally, a jury with some common sense, has rendered a verdict that leaves not doubt in my mind that justice has trully been served. I'm honestly very happy for your inclusion in this gallery, regardless of what it may generate monitarily. Thanks for sharing this great news with us, I'm excited along with you:)

Tim Rinehart
05-20-2010, 1:39 PM
I can't wait till I get around to having a piece or 12 in a gallery or museum, a real testament to your work and how others receive it.

Now as they say..."Show me the money".

Congrats John, I'm certainly not surprised seeing the level of work you do...especially those fine finials.

David DeCristoforo
05-20-2010, 2:02 PM
Don't go getting all modest on us here, John. You know your stuff is good and absolutely worthy of recognition. I hope you sell some pieces.

Pete Jordan
05-20-2010, 2:08 PM
Keep going Jon!

Those pieces are very nice and I am sure they will be appreciated!

Rob Cunningham
05-20-2010, 2:10 PM
Congratulations John. Your work is worthy of the honor. I hope you sell some or all of your pieces.

bob svoboda
05-20-2010, 2:20 PM
Congratulations John. Your creations are certainly worthy of the honor. Enjoy!
ps: My daughter is an attorney and agrees with your assessment of juries:D

Joe Mioux
05-20-2010, 2:23 PM
Congratulations John. Your work is wonderful.

Mark Hubl
05-20-2010, 2:35 PM
Well done John. The pieces look great in the cabinet and all together. Gives a nice perspective on their size. Good Luck.

Nick Mastropietro
05-20-2010, 2:38 PM
John, I like many others here on the Creek know you are doing some special work. In the short time I have been frequenting the Turning Forum; I have been amazed by your turnings and look forward to each release. My only concern is that you are setting a rather high bar among those of us who are just getting started. That aside, keep em coming, it seems I get as much enjoyment out of showing your work to my friends as they do seeing it.

John W Dixon
05-20-2010, 2:43 PM
Congratulations John, a well deserved honor. Hopefully you will have to replenish the shelves soon.


gary Zimmel
05-20-2010, 2:47 PM
Congrats John..
Good luck in the sales..

Richard Dooling
05-20-2010, 3:13 PM
Congratulations and well deserved!

Your work really is exceptional and I would be very surprised if you don't sell several pieces.

Nick, I know just how you feel and I'm not ready to share my early work with anyone just yet. But this sure is a great group of folks who are about encouraging and helping at all skill levels.


Joe Aliperti
05-20-2010, 3:17 PM
Congratulations, John! Your work looks great on display.

David Warkentin
05-20-2010, 3:28 PM
I agree. Keep it up! David

mike holden
05-20-2010, 3:38 PM

Jeff Fagen
05-20-2010, 3:39 PM
...you know your just going to spend the money on more tools.

Steve Schlumpf
05-20-2010, 3:46 PM
Congrats John! Beautiful display! Hope it leads to a lot of sales and commission work!

Belinda Barfield
05-20-2010, 3:51 PM
Along with the others, I would like to say Congrats! You might want to start mounting wings on your pieces as I bet they are just going to fly off the shelf! (just joking, no need to mess with perfection)

Tony De Masi
05-20-2010, 4:01 PM
Congratulations John. From what I've seen of your work I am not surprised at all. I also agree with David in that by know you should know that your work is GOOD, or better, and you should be quite proud to have been accepted to the gallery no matter how small it may be.


Aaron Wingert
05-20-2010, 4:37 PM
Heck of an accomplishment John. Having your work recognized like that has got to be a great feeling.

Jon Finch
05-20-2010, 4:56 PM
I'm not surprised by this turn of events. Congrats John.

Brian Effinger
05-20-2010, 5:08 PM
Congratulations John! :D Well deserved, in my opinion.
I hope this brings some sales, so you can buy more turning tools. :D

Ken Fitzgerald
05-20-2010, 5:14 PM
Congratulations John! Well deserved! You have taken to turning like nobody else I've seen! Congratulations!

Cody Colston
05-20-2010, 5:26 PM
You have taken to turning like nobody else I've seen! Congratulations!

Isn't that the truth. Every time I look at one of John's pics, I just marvel that he got so good so fast.

You have a great eye for form, John and the hand skills to bring them out of the wood. You are obviously a natural.

Congratulations. Your work is certainly deserving.

Toney Robertson
05-20-2010, 5:31 PM
A hardy congratulations.

Good luck on the sales.


alex carey
05-20-2010, 5:32 PM
Congratzzz!!! I don't think anyone here was surprised though. You do excellent work.

Jeff Nicol
05-20-2010, 5:34 PM
John, I have sold tons of stuff and and been in galleries for a few years now,but I have never entered a juried art exhibit. I guess I need to pay attention when they have something like that so I can try it out! The display of the turnings looks very nice! You will do well as your skills have proven that you are a natural!

Good luck with all the sales!


Rich Aldrich
05-20-2010, 5:37 PM
Congrats John. I am sure you would have done well in a larger venue.

kenneth walker
05-20-2010, 5:53 PM
John very nice workmanship congarts on the showing.

Bill Bolen
05-20-2010, 5:57 PM
Congrat's John. That first sale is a real thrill...Bill...

John Keeton
05-20-2010, 6:30 PM
I really appreciate all the kind comments. I would not be doing this were it not for the inspiration, the great friendship, encouragement and support from this group - and, I will never forget that!:)

Of course, then again, I would have more money saved up for my retirement were it not for this group!!:eek::D:rolleyes:

While the venue is small, it is still uplifting to be chosen. And, even if there are no sales, perhaps my turnings will at least inspire someone else to take up woodturning.

Thanks, again!!

David E Keller
05-20-2010, 6:45 PM
I'm a little late to the party(squirrels chewed through our cable/internet line). I'll join the others in congratulating you on your recent acceptance to the exhibit. It's well deserved.

Robert McGowen
05-20-2010, 6:56 PM
A case of jury tampering? :eek:
No, I know it was well deserved! Congrats!

Harvey Ghesser
05-20-2010, 8:45 PM

I wish to echo all the voices on this thread and additionally want to personally congratulate you on the acceptance of your art pieces at your local gallery.

Didn't take ya long!:D


Jerry Marcantel
05-20-2010, 9:16 PM
Congratulations, John. Without your turnings, that case would be just another cabinet in a corner, but now it's a display case displaying choice examples of outstanding art...... Jerry (in Tucson)

Ted Evans
05-20-2010, 9:18 PM
Congratulations John, I admire your humbleness however, you deserve all the accolades that you receive. Fantastic work and good luck with sales, I am sure you will be quite successful.

charlie knighton
05-20-2010, 9:34 PM
congratulations, keep us informed

Bernie Weishapl
05-20-2010, 9:42 PM
John there would be no doubt in my mind that the jury would pick your turnings. I am not the least bit surprised. Congrats John and hope you do well in sales and commissions. Yes there will be commissions I am sure.

Faust M. Ruggiero
05-20-2010, 10:16 PM
Your style is unmistakable. That's a trait of all good artists. Think of all those wasted years practicing law when you could have been a starving artist. Beautiful stuff. Love looking at it.

Joe Adams
05-21-2010, 12:00 AM
Absolutely amazing collection of turnings. You are a prodigy!

Ken Hill
05-21-2010, 12:05 AM
Very cool!!! That has to feel good!!

John Keeton
05-21-2010, 5:56 AM
Guys, you all are laying it on pretty thick!:o All of you have been so supportive over the last few months, and that means a lot.

Think of all those wasted years practicing law when you could have been a starving artist.I would be OK with the artist part. It's the "starving" part that concerns me!:D

Absolutely amazing collection of turnings. You are a prodigy!Joe, I have been called a lot of things - most not very kind - but prodigy has not been on the list!;)

Alan Trout
05-21-2010, 7:04 AM

your work is very deserving. It does not surprise me at all. Congratulations.


Jack Riley
05-21-2010, 9:24 AM
Very deserved recognition!

05-21-2010, 9:55 AM

Congrats, but I don't really see why your so surprised. Looks to me like the jury made the right decision.


Paul Douglass
05-21-2010, 10:22 AM
John, John, ,John, don't be so modest you are one that is not just a turner, but an "Artist" as well. Congrats and you deserve it for sure. I can't even imagine what you will be turning out in a few more years. I plan on sticking around to find out. Fact I'm thinking you should send each one of us one of your pieces signed, so we can say " well. I knew him back when ....":rolleyes:

Greg Ketell
05-21-2010, 11:13 AM
Your turnings are very beautiful and deserve to be displayed like that!


David DeCristoforo
05-21-2010, 11:47 AM
"I would be OK with the artist part. It's the "starving" part that concerns me!"

You can't be a "real" artist unless you are starving. Conversely, you can't be a "real" lawyer if you are starving...

Baxter Smith
05-21-2010, 1:16 PM
Very neat! Now you can go and make some more!:)

Bill Wyko
05-21-2010, 2:25 PM
John, you are very deserving of acceptance into their gallery. They should display your work prominently. Congratulations and good luck. :) I'm on my way to making my first million dollars at turning, problem is.........I started with 2 million.:eek: JK.

Brett Baldwin
05-21-2010, 5:51 PM
I'm going to add my congratulations to everyone else's as well as agree that I'm not all that surprised. You do great work and obviously enjoy what you're doing.

John Keeton
05-21-2010, 8:07 PM
It is heartwarming to see the response from you guys - really! I am blessed in more ways than I can count, and the friends I have here are a large part of that. Thanks!!
"I would be OK with the artist part. It's the "starving" part that concerns me!"

You can't be a "real" artist unless you are starving. Conversely, you can't be a "real" lawyer if you are starving...David, this is precisely why I am still going to the office!:D Starvation never seemed like a good plan.

I can't even imagine what you will be turning out in a few more years. I plan on sticking around to find out. Paul, I hope both of us make it for several more years! And, I hope to continue to learn and absorb all the knowledge I can from this fine group of turners!

Very neat! Now you can go and make some more!:)Exactly what I told Ms. Keeton! The walnut hutch I built last year was the "home" for all the turnings, and it was beginning to look pretty crowded - even with giving away a bunch of them to the kids.

I'm on my way to making my first million dollars at turning, problem is.........I started with 2 million.:eek: JK.Bill, that reminds me of the old saying about farming - inherit the family farm, borrow $200,000 and farm 'til its all gone!:D

James Combs
05-21-2010, 8:21 PM
...Exactly what I told Ms. Keeton! The walnut hutch I built last year was the "home" for all the turnings, and it was beginning to look pretty crowded - even with giving away a bunch of them to the kids...

Sure is a sly way to get your hutch cleared out.:rolleyes:

Curt Fuller
05-21-2010, 9:58 PM
First, a big congratulations John. We see everyone's work on this site usually photographed individually in a tent or on the kitchen counter. But I really enjoy seeing the work grouped and in a gallery setting. It looks very cool and so much more impressive. And I always like to see turned wooden art in a gallery going head to head with other mediums. Have you been fitted for a black turtle neck and beret yet?;)

John Keeton
05-21-2010, 10:29 PM
Have you been fitted for a black turtle neck and beret yet?;)Don't hold your breath on that one, Curt!!!:eek: Thanks, I appreciate your kind comments, and you need to know that your work has been inspiring for me.

Sid Matheny
05-21-2010, 11:18 PM
I'm not surprised at all John. Your turning would be welcomed most anywhere IMO!


Jamie Straw
05-22-2010, 12:02 AM
... and so now I have 7 pieces on exhibit, and for sale. I suspect this may be a situation where they had a couple of display shelves empty!

Congrats, John, that's great! And no, no, no it's not just because they had some empty space!! Love your stuff.

Matt Ranum
05-22-2010, 9:18 AM
Congrats on the juried show!! I'm sure you will do well.

I was thinking.....dangerous I know.....you spent so much time doing flat work and now your world has turned into an all spin zone, your flat work tools must be sooo lonely. Maybe they need a change of scenery to feel loved again.:p Wisconsin is nice this time of year ya know. ;)

Gary Conklin
08-11-2010, 12:40 PM
So how are the sales at the gallery going? Are you in the money yet????

Roger Chandler
08-11-2010, 12:54 PM

I fully expected to hear that you had been juried, because of the quality of the work you have produced........as mentioned by others, a lot of your turnings are certainly "a cut above" what one usually sees, and given that it is "obvious" to most any observer that you have an "artistic" flair and eye, which you seem to be able to transpose onto the wood you turn................................well, there you have the "verdict!"

Congratulations.........couldn't happen to a nicer guy! :)

One other comment........you have certainly received due recognition from fellow turners [those who know the in's and out's of the craft intimately] so with that, the gallery folks, or the larger art community should well indeed be impressed as well!

None of us are trying to swell your head, John.......it is just that we appreciate what it takes to reach the level you have achieved, and the "Keeton Collection" serves to inspire us all.

Wayne Spence
08-11-2010, 1:07 PM
Congratulations-You sound as pleased as the day you got your law degree.

Josh Bowman
08-11-2010, 1:21 PM
John, I had no doubt that you would easily make it though this gate. Even to my novice eye, I can see your work is much better than some I've seen in books and magizines. I hope you're prepared for the demand. BTW it's time for the baret........or at least an ear ring :D

Roger Chandler
08-11-2010, 2:21 PM

One other comment.........we all can adapt to your "country/western- i.e. "Kenny" persona, but going whole hog "artsy fartsy" ....ehhh, that might be a lot to digest! ;):D:D:D:D

John Keeton
08-11-2010, 4:04 PM
Thanks guys. This thread was revived by Gary's post, and it relates the acceptance at the local guild a while back.

Yesterday, I took five of my most recent pieces to the Kentucky Guild for the jury session being held today. I won't know anything for a couple of weeks.

No sales locally, though I do have the reception August 19, and that may draw some interest.

After the reception, I am taking several of the pieces to a high end gallery in another town that expects a lot of traffic for the World Equestrian Games in September. Hopefully, that will generate some exposure!

Thanks for being so supportive - all of you have been so uplifting to me. I can't expect an overnite success with this stuff - it will only be 8 months on the 24th since I turned my first "dish." I am pretty happy with where I am right now, even without any sales yet.

Sean Hughto
08-11-2010, 5:21 PM
Well, I never had a moments doubt.


Jim Underwood
08-11-2010, 7:22 PM

If anyone deserves a spot in a gallery, you do.

"Luck" is preparation that meets opportunity. You seem to have done your homework, turning man...;)

Let us hear how it goes.

Karl Card
08-11-2010, 11:40 PM
I did not have a doubt..

I would also like to comment that I much rather like to listen to people that are humble in there workings and truly have something than the guy who is second rate but brags that he is the greatest woodworker ever...

Hope that makes sense...

Gary Herrmann
08-12-2010, 7:18 AM
Congratulations, John. Well deserved.

David Woodruff
08-12-2010, 9:33 AM
John, you are way too modest. Your work is beautiful. I would seriously question the Jury if you were not accepted and that's all I'me saying about that.

William Hutchinson
08-12-2010, 1:55 PM
Congratulations, your work speaks for itself and it seems others have recognized your talents as well.

Leo Van Der Loo
08-12-2010, 8:54 PM
Yes I'm right up there also John in saying there was no question in my mind of your work being worthy of any Gallery.

The hazardous part here is that you keep it as something you enjoy doing and not make it another "JOB", as I'm sure there will be pressure to that affect.

It could be just like something that was said to me one time, "can you make me a couple dozen of those ?" :eek:

Have fun and take care :)

Neil Strong
08-12-2010, 9:43 PM
Looking back it was acceptance into that first gallery that was the most important step in allowing my craft to be self sustaining. Congratulations on getting over that first hurdle.

And, it was quite a thrill to get that cheque from my first sales. It was not so much the money, but the fact that someone had selected my work from all the other good stuff in the gallery. I'm sure you will enjoy that too.

Nowadays the monthly cheque brings both pleasure and pain. Pleasure that I can just go ahead and buy whatever tool or bit of equipment that takes my fancy...:cool:. And the pleasure of being able to keep making my stuff to some meaningful end than just the pleasure of making it. But there is also a bit of pain from having to get another batch of back fill work to the gallery straight away to keep my posy in the gallery filled...:rolleyes:. Hope it will always be more pleasure than pain for you, John.

My assessment is that your work would be acceptable in any high class gallery around the world.

As for judging panels of one kind and another, yes they can be a fickle lot. Each member has their on agenda and the dynamics of a panel can result in inexplicable decisions. You will know all about that one of these days when you are on a panel yourself, which I have no doubt you will. So until then don't take any negative judgments along the way to heart and continue to have confidence in yourself.

Enjoy the ride!
