View Full Version : BIG Thank You to Jeff Nichol

Bill Wilcox
05-17-2010, 6:27 PM
I was having an issue with turning end grain on a hollow form I am working on. I sent a PM to Jeff and he responded right when he returned from turkey hunting. I was down there for the morning today.
Boy, I gotta tell you. If you ever need any help or just someone to discuss wood turning or fabricating your own tools, look no further.
Jeff was very helpful and was able to show me exactly what I needed to do to make my troubles disappear. I feel very fortunate to have a individual like Jeff close by.
I belong to several different forums and what I have found is that the people who belong and post in them are some of the nicest people I have had the pleasure to meet. I know, I had/have people that I worked with that I consider friends. However, there is something about people on these types of forums. Perfect strangers who will go out of their way to educate and help others is something I find fascinating.
Thank you Jeff for the help today. You have no idea how much you have changed the way I approach the projects I am planning.
I know that Jeff is busy but if anyone has the opportunity to meet Jeff and see what he is doing in his jammed packed shop, you will be richer upon leaving than when you walked in.
Thanks Jeff, I hope one day I can pay what I received forward to someone else.
Bill Wilcox

Ray Bell
05-17-2010, 8:16 PM
I have to agree, Jeff is a great person. Wish he didn't live so far away.

Aaron Wingert
05-17-2010, 9:06 PM
There's a lot of guys like Jeff here at the Creek...Specifically in the turning forum. There's more help here than anywhere I've ever come across online. I learned the fundamentals of turning from a Creeker who was kind enough to come to my home as a stranger and spend hours helping me form good habits.

If we all pay it forward this place will only get better!

Bernie Weishapl
05-17-2010, 11:16 PM
I agree that Jeff is a great person. Always helpful in anyway he can.

Jeff Nicol
05-18-2010, 7:09 AM
Bill, I had a great time in the couple of hours we spent chatting and figuring things out for you! We have so many things in common it was like talking to an old friend and I know that will truly be some day! I think I was born to do what I do and enjoy every minute I spend sharing my time and shop and all my toys with whomever is in need. I guess God did have a plan for me when I tore up my shoulders and gave me abad back! Like they say "When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade!!"

Take care my friends,


Patrick Doody
05-18-2010, 10:07 AM
Hey I was out in your guy's neighborhood over the weekend.
I was out near Spring Valley trying to catch some trout, didn't catch too many but we did find some morel mushrooms. How did the Turkey hunting go?

Jeff Nicol
05-18-2010, 8:11 PM
Hey I was out in your guy's neighborhood over the weekend.
I was out near Spring Valley trying to catch some trout, didn't catch too many but we did find some morel mushrooms. How did the Turkey hunting go?
Patrick, We saw tons of birds and heard way more than we saw. I got a jake on Wednesday and that was all we got between the 3 of us. We got about 3 pounds of morels also, and my cousin just called and said he found a bunch more right along his driveway this morning. It was a very good year for fungus! I found a big fresh sulphur shelf last week too and that is my second favorite spring fungus! Fishing sounds good and I need to get out and wet a line.


Patrick Doody
05-18-2010, 9:37 PM
Patrick, We saw tons of birds and heard way more than we saw. I got a jake on Wednesday and that was all we got between the 3 of us. We got about 3 pounds of morels also, and my cousin just called and said he found a bunch more right along his driveway this morning. It was a very good year for fungus! I found a big fresh sulphur shelf last week too and that is my second favorite spring fungus! Fishing sounds good and I need to get out and wet a line.


Mmm sulphur shelf, tasty mushroom. I think my favorite is the king bolete, sulphur shelfs are really good but I've only had them twice. I seem to find a lot of chanterelles. It was a great year for morels. I put in for a turkey permit this year but didn't win, maybe next year.