View Full Version : Some progress!

Ted Evans
05-16-2010, 10:19 PM
After considerable effort acquiring some stock to practice with, I finally have something to show for it.

The process of gathering more stock has already begun and my goal this time is to increase my productivity by at least 50 percent, I am very optimistic.

dennis kranz
05-17-2010, 12:49 AM
Nice turnings and a very nice pile of wood. That should keep you busy for at least a short while.

alex carey
05-17-2010, 1:33 AM
"some stock"...Thats more than some, that ought to last you months.

You have some nice work here, I particularly like the 4 vases.

John Keeton
05-17-2010, 6:26 AM
Ted, I would say you better increase production considerably!! Looks like you are turning out some neat work, though. I agree with Alex, the vases are particularly nice.

Dennis Ford
05-17-2010, 6:29 AM
Nice work. I bet you had fun too!

Steve Schlumpf
05-17-2010, 9:10 AM
Wow - congrats on all the wood!

Nice group of turnings! You didn't give us any sizes - was curious as they all look like they could be miniatures.

Agree that your set of vases really stand out! Very nice form!

Bernie Weishapl
05-17-2010, 2:19 PM
Really nice turnings and holy cow enough stock to keep ya off the streets for a day or two at least.:D

Mark Hubl
05-17-2010, 4:04 PM

That is a very nice grouping of pieces. Looks like you are trying a lot of different techniques and having great success. Keep them coming. I would love to have a wood pile like that. Looks like it will be getting smaller soon.

Ted Evans
05-17-2010, 4:58 PM
Thanks to all for your comments. I must confess, I made the post in jest, I did not really use all of that wood for those items in the photo, just most of it. Most of it was used for making chips, my specialty.

Actually, I have had very little time for turning since I got the lathe and most of the time has been spent getting comfortable with all the tools. The items in the photo were not meant to be anything but practice pieces; therefore, very little pains were taken in the finishing of them. Three of the vases have a couple coats of CA, the small one was only buffed a little, and the others were just sprayed with pre-cat lacquer left over from my real jobs.

I possess no artistic talent at all, unlike most every one in this group, so I really struggle with form, balance, proportions, curves etc. Perhaps it is not a good approach, however, I decided with my limited time, I would try to learn on small items that I could complete quickly as opposed to larger ones that might take me days to finish. That way I can analyze all of my mistakes. I have learned so well that I can now duplicate those mistakes perfectly.

Steve mentioned the sizes, the small vase is .625 H x .750 W, the tall one is 2.0 H x 1.0 W, this should give an idea of the others. All the vases were hollowed using tools that I made, openings range from .125 to .250. The walls are so thin, they only have one side so could not measure them, just kidding.

I am entertaining the idea of posting a couple of photos, listing what I see wrong with the items and compare that to what others would suggest.

Thanks again to all.

Roland Martin
05-17-2010, 5:26 PM
Great work on these turnings and a really nice pile of turning stock.

John Keeton
05-17-2010, 5:33 PM
I possess no artistic talent at all, unlike most every one in this group, so I really struggle with form, balance, proportions, curves etc.

Steve mentioned the sizes, the small vase is .625 H x .750 W, the tall one is 2.0 H x 1.0 W, this should give an idea of the others. All the vases were hollowed using tools that I made, openings range from .125 to .250.
Ted, I must disagree with you!! Particularly given the size of these pieces, you accomplished some very good forms, detail, and finish! I think producing a larger piece would be easier, though it would take more time simply because of the amount of material to be removed.

I look forward to seeing some good stuff coming out of your shop!