View Full Version : Need advice

Joe McMahon
05-15-2010, 10:25 PM
I took a class on turning today and really enjoyed myself. My work wasn't very pretty but I made a square kinda round and that was a first.

In anticipation of learning turning, I bought a used vari speed mini lather (Excelsior) which ia Rockler's house brand.

While learning today, they had a grinder to sharpen tools. It ised a Wolverine one way vari-grind attachment which I became comfortable using. I looked to pick one up and found that there is a veri-grind and a vari-grind 2 for $25 more. Is there a big difference? Which should I get?

TIA, Joe

Steve Schlumpf
05-15-2010, 10:41 PM
Joe - welcome to the vortex!

I have the vari-grind - the first model - and it does everything I want! I believe it has more to do with what you get used to using than anything else!

Looking forward to seeing some of your work!

David E Keller
05-15-2010, 11:05 PM
I also have the original varigrind... it works great for me. I don't really know the difference.

Welcome aboard... Looking forward to seeing some of your work.

Aaron Wingert
05-15-2010, 11:13 PM
I too have the original. Although the new version is probably an improvement I have no complaints with the original and honestly can't think of how I'd improve upon the design.

Bernie Weishapl
05-15-2010, 11:16 PM
Get the original. That is what I have and it does it all. Look forward to seeing some turnings.

Jim Sebring
05-16-2010, 12:24 AM
The biggest difference between the two Varigrinds has to do with controlling the tool position on the stone.

With the original version it is easy to run the tool off the edge of the stone if you're not careful while rolling a gouge side to side. It's a semi-freehand mechanism. That version allows you to use the full width of the stone to even out stone wear.

The Varigrind 2 holds the tool in a way that prevents running off the stone, but the tradeoff is that the center of the stone can become grooved, requiring frequent truing with a diamond tip tool.

Most of the comments I've seen on the turning forums seem to favor the original version, perhaps because it has been around for a long time.

Joe McMahon
05-16-2010, 12:53 AM
Jim, thanks I think that I'll get the original version. I used it and did run off the stone quite a bit but i guess it is a learning curve like everything else.

Thanks for the help

Patrick Doody
05-16-2010, 9:28 PM
I've used both, I have a vg2 and my friend has the vg1 if I were to do it over again i'd go with the vg1. Mostly due to the setup time is slightly more on the 2. The 1 is a simple setup and they both work great, but the 1 edges out the 2 on price and tool drawer real estate.