View Full Version : Need to get Busy

Bernie Weishapl
05-14-2010, 6:17 PM
I guess I need to get busy. I had a call from a lady out of the blue from a museum. She saw one of my pens that I had given a friend. Anyway she said she was so impressed with it she wants at least 36 and maybe more. After we talked she wants some lower, mid and high end pens. She would also like to have them by June 1 before Fathers Day and she said no acrylic. Also the Art Gallery where my turnings are she wants 24 more pens for sale and display. So yesterday the wife had the day off and we headed for Woodcraft in Denver. Walked out with about $400 worth of pens kits (64 kits), pen boxes, pen blanks, and of course a $150 in tools I had been thinking about. A Sorby spiral tool and a 16 tpi thread chasers. I just got the pen kits put away in bins as I had only made about 3 different pens that I made before but now I have about I think 9 different kits. So with bushing, extra tubes, drill bits, etc, etc, etc I decided to get them put away neatly, labeled and where I could easily find them. Better get to work.

Steve Schlumpf
05-14-2010, 6:21 PM
Bernie- Congrats on your order! So much for retirement!!!

Looking forward to seeing a few of your pens - if you have time to take any photos!

John Keeton
05-14-2010, 6:21 PM
60 pens, 17 days, 3.53 pens/day.....you can do it, Bernie!!!! Sounds like a good retirement income is in your future!!:D

Neat arrangement for all the "fixin's", too. Seems like organization would be a must with pen making. I can see where getting a few parts mixed up could spoil a day of pen making.

Robert McGowen
05-14-2010, 6:38 PM
Retirement? Looks like you just changed jobs! :D

Ted Evans
05-14-2010, 6:42 PM
I hate people that are organized and neat! Congratulations on the orders, the people will be impressed with them as we are with all of your work.

Tony De Masi
05-14-2010, 6:42 PM
Wow Bernie. Is that going to leave you any time to pack for your trip out east?

Congrats on the sales too.


Marc Himes
05-14-2010, 7:01 PM
Congratulations Bernie. I turned some pens for gifts last Christmas and really enjoyed it; so many beautiful pieces of wood in truly useful items. Now you have a sales to boot. It sound like a great way to spend your retirement. Work just gets in the way of so much fun.


Mark Burge
05-14-2010, 7:04 PM
Nice haul. happy turning

Bernie Weishapl
05-14-2010, 9:02 PM
Thanks all. I told my wife I would have to get busy because we are leaving June 2. Figure I need to get about 6 to 8 pens or more done a day. So will get most of the blanks glued up and ready to go. Plus I need to get two clocks overhauled before the 1st of June. Have two graduations to go to plus my 45th high school reunion so there goes about 5 days. Oh well will get it done somehow.

Mark Hix
05-14-2010, 9:05 PM
Congratulations! Great orders even if it is a time crunch. Productions runs are not near as much fun as individual pens but they sure pay better. We need a "group" shot when you get them all done.

Toney Robertson
05-14-2010, 9:25 PM
Congratulations on the sale Bernie.

Looks like you have the next two weeks all planned out for you!


Bill Wilcox
05-14-2010, 9:33 PM
WOW, thats great for you. As they say in manufacturing: "Being too busy is a good problem to have."
Good Luck, I'm sure you will get it all done in time.

Mike Peace
05-14-2010, 10:17 PM
Looks like you will be busy. I am eager to some some of your threaded projects when you get around to some "fun" stuff.

Richard Madison
05-14-2010, 11:11 PM
Congrats on the orders Bernie. "Time" is supposed to keep eveything from happening at once. Guess you'll get it all done in time.

David E Keller
05-14-2010, 11:16 PM
Congrats on the order, Bernie... That's a bunch of pens! You said "no acrylics", but I spy several new acrylics on the bench... You didn't stray from the shopping list did you?:eek::D

I'm a bit surprised that you bought all of the stuff at WC. It seems to be the highest priced place for pen gear that I've come across. Also, the two here in Oklahoma have a pretty poor selection of pen blanks compared to what is available online(although I know the stock varies from store to store).

Looking forward to seeing some finished pens.

dennis kranz
05-15-2010, 12:15 AM
Sounds like all those saturdays in the week have just gone away for a while. Don't worry they will be back. Nice order.

Matt Hutchinson
05-15-2010, 7:42 AM
Congrats Bernie! What a cool opportunity! :)


Bernie Weishapl
05-15-2010, 10:26 AM
Thanks again all. I am going to be drilling and gluing today and tomorrow. Hopefully will get a bunch glued and ready to turn. Looks like rain the next two day so yard work won't interfer.:D:cool:;):rolleyes:

Mark Hubl
05-15-2010, 5:04 PM
Way to go. Sounds like you will be very busy. Can't wait to see what you come up with the thread chasers. Probably some nice boxes in your future.