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View Full Version : Turned down a gloat.............

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2010, 11:39 AM
There are only a couple major tools I need to have a fairly complete woodworking shop. One of those tools is a jointer. The LOML came to me the other night and told me to order that jointer. I've had my eye on a Grizzly 0490X for sometime.

I turned it down.

I have reached the point that my shop is so disorganized there isn't room for another large tool.

I have 2 sets of saw horses...each set of sawhorses with 4'x8' sheets of plywood set up on them and a gazillion hand tools and "stuff" sitting on each "table".

I cleaned the "junk" out of my company van a while back and I have another gazillion FedEx boxes of old electronics parts and unused electornic parts taking up another area.

Then we lost a major account at work and had to begin removing tools, test equipment and "technical stuff" from one of the major computer rooms there. So I have a corner of my shop with tools and test equipment occupying it.

I still have a 3' by 8' pile of construction debris left the the general contractor who built the empty shell of my shop.

I have a nice pile of turning wood gifted to me by various people that I haven't got to yet.

4 woodworker friends from another forum drove in....drank some beer...had supper with me and spent the night a few weeks ago. I was unbelieveably embarrassed by the disorganized filthy condition of my shop. I showed them my most recent project with which I was fighting finishing problems.

So...I took today off to build a rolling cabinet for my turning tools. This is the start of some much needed storage for my too many tools.

We want to have all the major tools I need bought and in place before my intended retirement at the end of 2012.

I want an aircraft carrier jointer but I need clean up my act and my shop to have room for it.:o

David G Baker
05-14-2010, 11:42 AM
It is definitely time to add on or build a larger shop. :D

Dick Strauss
05-14-2010, 11:47 AM
I'm in the same boat. My turning club has been getting lots of wood and tools for the monthly raffle as I try to downsize/organize. Until I get the garage shop cleaned and organized I will not add any more wood or tools! I know...famous last words!

Take care,

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2010, 11:49 AM
It is definitely time to add on or build a larger shop. :D

David.....I want to retire and woodwork....not continue working for more tools.:rolleyes:

Brent Ring
05-14-2010, 11:50 AM
What amazing restraint! My respect level is even that much higher now (I think :eek:)

Get it cleaned up!

John Shuk
05-14-2010, 12:29 PM
Knowing when to say no is a skill. Unfortunately, I'm learning it too late. But, I'm learning it.

Lee Schierer
05-14-2010, 12:47 PM
Ken you can store your new jointer in my shop free of charge.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2010, 1:13 PM
Thanks for the offer Lee!

I'm letting Shiraz store it for me for the immediate future!:eek:

Bruce Page
05-14-2010, 1:22 PM
I know the feeling well. Since getting my Woodmaster DS a few years ago I have to seriously think about space requirements when considering a new tool.

I’m very interested in CAMaster’s new Stinger CNC router, I just have to figure out if I can make the room for it..

Ray Bell
05-14-2010, 2:18 PM
Go ahead, buy all the tools you want, and the heck with a messy shop. Haven't you heard there will not be a 2013 anyway;)

Cary Falk
05-14-2010, 2:43 PM
Ken, I don't think you realize what you have done, so I offer this as a reminder.:eek:

Ok, so it is it's fraternal twin brother but it does have a Byrd head.

It is not to late to see the error of your ways and correct it.:D

Neil Brooks
05-14-2010, 2:56 PM
Wouldn't .... buying it ... sort of light a fire under the whole "make room" thing, though ?

I know: I'm no help ;)

Joe Shinall
05-14-2010, 3:04 PM
I'm also in the same boat Ken. I have a bandsaw and dust collector that I bought months ago along with the Milwaukee airless sprayer. They are all still in their boxes in a corner because I just do not have room for them. I have my house up for sale hoping it will go in this market so I can get a house with some land to build what I want.

Until then, no more new big tools in the shop. Which sucks because I had to pass up a 36" drum sander for only 400 bucks. It hurt...

Paul Johnstone
05-14-2010, 3:33 PM
Wow, time to get cleaned up..
Is there anyway you could get one of these really basic shelving units and clear off the two 4 x 8 junk tables.. Something like this..


No reason not to get rid of that construction debris left by the builder.

We all need a kick in the butt from time to time to go through all our stuff and get rid of what we don't need (or at least put some in the rafters).

Sorry for the lecture, but it looks like you have a lot of opporunity to free up floor space and get that jointer next week :)

John Shuk
05-14-2010, 3:37 PM
Wouldn't .... buying it ... sort of light a fire under the whole "make room" thing, though ?

I know: I'm no help ;)

That might be Wifey's plan! They are sneaky aren't they.

glenn bradley
05-14-2010, 3:52 PM
Re-org! There is always more room if you throw out or pass things along decisively ;)

Taunt, taunt . . .


Hey! I just realized all that open space around the jointer has been filled in. Time for some more re-org myself. :eek:

Peter Quinn
05-14-2010, 3:54 PM
Sounds like time for a 40 yard roll off Ken! I happen to have a DJ-20 in my shop, and I can tell you they really aren't that large. Fits almost anywhere!:eek: I'd hold out for that aircraft carrier if possible. Heck, in the past year I added a third shaper and a 20" BS, neither of which I had room for. I ordered a jumbo sized shoe horn and got a 20 yrd roll off, now everything is just cozy. Of course the longest piece of stock I can process is now roughly 22", and I had to throw out a fairly new freezer full of meat, but its all in there! If I looked hard enough I think I could fit a 20" jointer and a 36" planer too!:eek:

Good luck in your reorg.

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2010, 4:00 PM
What I'm not looking forward to is Nancy Laird's post when she see's this thread.:rolleyes:

She goaded me into painting the shop 2 years ago. Then I built 2 hanging wall cabinets and haven't done much since then.:o

David Helm
05-14-2010, 4:28 PM
You just have to become ruthless. In my shop rebuild, I have divested myself of many things I will never use. I've gotten rid of all kinds of materials from my contracting business; I no longer store things for others, including my wife; and I've taken a hard look at all of my tools. The resultant room, and lack of mess (for this inveterate hoarder) is a miracle.

Ray Bell
05-14-2010, 5:25 PM
"Of course the longest piece of stock I can process is now roughly 22", and I had to throw out a fairly new freezer full of meat, but its all in there! If I looked hard enough I think I could fit a 20" jointer and a 36" planer too"

Funny stuff:p

Ken Fitzgerald
05-14-2010, 9:54 PM
I told the Boss about this thread and how I was getting hammered. She suggested I had better take the offer before she withdraws it from the table.

I think she's getting ready to drop a bomb on me. The state legislature reduced the budget for educators for next year. Each school district has to deal on it within their budget. IIRC locally the paper said all teachers and aides were taking a 2.6% reduction in pay and working fewer days too. Since the LOML is eligible for retirement and has been for several years, I think she's considering retiring in a few weeks to keep her pension from reducing since it's based on the last 4 years...IIRC.

I maybe placing an order later this evening.

Brendan Plavis
05-14-2010, 10:22 PM
Now that last post is what we like to hear! You can always make room..... but from my understanding, you cannot always make room in wive's decisions...... Ones she withdraws it... dont ever plan on a jointer....

Think about it, worst comes to worst, you can always put a piece of plywood down and use it as a really nice table....(take off the guard so it sits flush... just dont hit the on button....:eek:)

On a side note...

I hear ya on the teacher wage cuts.. A couple teachers at my highschool are getting canned due to budget restrictions... They are cutting out CAD II and EEP all together, and reducing the number of woodshop classes(from 5 to 3 or 4, one of the teachers is one of those getting canned.) And in those classes they decided that they might increase the shop class sizes(I smell danger.) The best time to get out is while you still have a good pension... Since you can always take up side jobs on top of that... but once the pension goes... eek...


Chip Lindley
05-14-2010, 11:07 PM
Ken, I understand perfectly! Rather than build an addition onto your new shop, or throw away things you may actually use one day, build a wall full of heavy-duty shelving. Amazing how much STUFF can be *disposed of* this way. Light weight *stuff* can be stored above the ceiling joists.

Amazing what can be stuffed into a 10x20 portable building outside. More shelves for *stuff* and lumber stored in the dry, and *bargain* machines which need rehabing. Many square feet of floor can be freed up in your shop for machinery you will use, and projects you will build! WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY! JUST DO IT!

Ed Griner
05-14-2010, 11:34 PM
Ken,You and I are close to the same age,I am a self employed electrician,mostly emergency service,on call 24/7, no holidays,same old,same old.My van look like a yard sale,my shop is the same way.I just replaced my old powermatic 6" jointer with a Hammer A3-31 combo unit and cleaned up my shop in the same month. This new machine is just great,I could have lived without it,but I just wanted it! I suggest you should enjoy yourself. Have Fun/Ed

Don Alexander
05-15-2010, 12:38 AM
i don't even want to try to list all the tools and gear i've got stuffed into my 12x12 shop hehe
but today i built a couple of work benches and tomorrow the storage drawers for under them and maybe i will get to the wall cabinets for above them early next week ...............................

unless the lathe calls too loudly hehe :D

Bill Wyko
05-15-2010, 12:50 AM
Sounds like the 12 steps. The first is admitting you have a problem. :D Ken, just think how nice the shop will be once you find a place for everything. (Then you won't be able to find anything):eek:

Bill ThompsonNM
05-15-2010, 1:13 AM
Ken, sounds like a combo jointer planer should be in you future!

Brendan Plavis
05-15-2010, 11:30 AM
Ken, sounds like a combo jointer planer should be in you future!

Ridgid(homedepot) has one for $400.... :rolleyes: Wonder if its any good... considering the Grizzly jointers(not benchtop) dont start until about that price....

Dan Karachio
05-15-2010, 11:50 AM
Good for you. I'm a relative newbie at all this, but recently reorganized my shop over a number of weekends (some sold on CL and the rest required tipped the city garbage guys) and integrated some new tools (quite a few), but the payoff was huge. I'm a lot more organized and getting to actual wood working is the result.

A shop is like a house. It takes a lot of living in it until you know what walls to move or build and how to arrange the furniture.

Neil Brooks
05-15-2010, 11:52 AM
Ridgid(homedepot) has one for $400.... :rolleyes: Wonder if its any good... considering the Grizzly jointers(not benchtop) dont start until about that price....

If you're talking about the JP0610 ....


I love mine. I've never seen a bad review of this machine, either.

I understand HD has been marking them down, too.

If you bought one, Brendan, it would look much the same ... only ... covered in rust :D


Brendan Plavis
05-15-2010, 12:23 PM
If you're talking about the JP0610 ....


I love mine. I've never seen a bad review of this machine, either.

I understand HD has been marking them down, too.

If you bought one, Brendan, it would look much the same ... only ... covered in rust :D


My budget does not allow at the moment.... I am still looking into a shotgun to deal with you though....



Neil Brooks
05-15-2010, 12:34 PM
My budget does not allow at the moment.... I am still looking into a shotgun to deal with you though....


Ya' know .... You're okay :D

peter leyden
05-15-2010, 4:14 PM
Do yourself a favor, go to Costco (among others that also sell them) and buy yourself one or more of the wire storage racks sold there. they run about $88 bucks. They hold oodles of stuff, are adjustable in small increments to fit what you are storing and come with 4 casters so that they are movable for cleanup. The racks are 6' high, but it is possible to make 2- 3' high racks by not screwing together the 3' uprights - if that works better for your particular shop layout. You can also install stem casters in the uprights by threading the casters - voila! you now have 2- 3' mobile storage racks or just the added cost of 4 stem mounting casters.
(I hope my explanations are clear)
Pete Leyden

David Nelson1
05-15-2010, 5:10 PM
Ken, add a Bridgeport mill, overhead block and head plane, flywheel grinder, 3 boring fixtures as well as the boring bars, 35 - 40 old and new style blocks cranks and cylinders, and all the inventory of a working machine shop in addtion to whats in the video. LOL what a mess. Enjoy I'll be posting progress in another thread soon. I literally had to unstack the shop to walk in it.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9I8qXDMEqU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9I8qXDMEqU)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1KNm2rTqKU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1KNm2rTqKU)

QUOTE=Ken Fitzgerald;1422506]
I have reached the point that my shop is so disorganized there isn't room for another large tool. :o[/QUOTE]