View Full Version : Tornado in Albertville, AL = 100's of tons of wood!

Jack Riley
05-14-2010, 7:11 AM
Trees of all species native to Alabama were destroyed/blown over by an F3-4 tornado on 4/26/10. 200+ year old Oaks were no match for the storm. Thanks to God no one was killed but many were injured with hundreds of damaged or totally destroyed homes.

There are so many trees down that the loggers can't handle them all. Most are being sawed into manageable sizes and hauled to the dump where they are either burned or run through a chipper to make free mulch. We were fortunate not to be in the direct path of the storm and I only lost one big Black Walnut tree. Today a fellow turner and I are going to cut up a large Ambrosia Maple that fell on the home of one of our church members. It is just a shame to see miles of destruction of homes and beautiful old trees. If you Google "Albertville tornado" you'll see hundreds of photos and videos. Trees six to seven feet in diameter going to the dump! Makes a turner sick to think about so much beautiful wood going to waste but one can handle handle only so much!

I ask that you remember in your prayers, the hundreds of families who suffered losses from this storm.

John Keeton
05-14-2010, 7:20 AM
Jack, glad you and your family were not injured or suffered great damage in this situation! Devastation like this is hard to imagine, and it is only with strength from God that we can face such times. My prayers are with your community.

Bernie Weishapl
05-14-2010, 10:55 AM
Our prayers are with you and the people down there. I went down to help with the Greensburg, Kansas F5 tornado that was over a mile wide. There was nothing and I mean nothing left standing down there. Pictures or TV just don't tell the story. Always happy to hear no one was killed.

David E Keller
05-14-2010, 3:55 PM
I certainly will keep those affected in my thoughts. On the bright side, downed trees can certainly help a person build up their turning stock!

Richard Madison
05-14-2010, 4:31 PM
Too bad all those trees can't be milled and sold, with the proceeds to help the folks who suffered losses.

Aaron Wingert
05-14-2010, 4:43 PM
It is a miracle that more people weren't killed. Hopefully those affected will recover and rebuild quickly. Looking forward to seeing the pics of the maple!

David Warkentin
05-14-2010, 6:02 PM
I worked in the area on Monday after the storm. Amazing what a tornado can do! David

Marc Himes
05-14-2010, 7:05 PM
All of us have much for which to be thankful. Prayers to all those involved.
