View Full Version : 30" Bailey Transtional

Dominic Wellik
05-12-2010, 5:03 PM
Hey, went to Des Moines last weekend found this. Looking on the web for info, any websites that are decent on Bailey planes? It is a 30" transitional, patent 12/24/1867. Thanks!

Jeff Burks
05-12-2010, 5:29 PM
It's a #34 Jointer Plane - Patrick's Blood and Gore (http://www.supertool.com/StanleyBG/stan4.htm) has a write up. Also here (http://www.hansbrunnertools.gil.com.au/stanley%20by%20numbers/Stanley%2030.htm)

72,443 (http://www.google.com/patents?id=EZwAAAAAEBAJ&zoom=4&dq=patent%3A72443&as_drrb_ap=q&as_minm_ap=0&as_miny_ap&as_maxm_ap=0&as_maxy_ap&as_drrb_is=q&as_minm_is=0&as_miny_is&as_maxm_is=0&as_maxy_is&pg=PP1#v=onepage&q&f=false) is the patent.

Mark Stutz
05-12-2010, 7:18 PM
Don't buy into Patrick's bias against transitional planes. These can make very good users. Nice jointers are not that common. All you need is to get a tote, check the bottom with a straight edge and away you go, of course making some assumptions that the bottom is flat:D


Bill Houghton
05-12-2010, 9:02 PM
...check the bottom with a straight edge...

Check the bottom not just along its length and across its width at several spots, by diagonally from back to opposite front corners (that is, both diagonals). This will give you an idea of whether it's twisted. My only long transitional was very twisted, to the point of uselessness, and I decided against the work involved in straightening. I hope you have a better plane.