View Full Version : Ever had kickback with a splitter or riving knife?

Victor Robinson
05-12-2010, 3:29 PM
I'm just curious to what extent a splitter/RK really prevents kickback. Obviously it reduces the chances but can kickback still occur?

Have you had a kickback occur despite having a properly installed/aligned riving knife or splitter? If you did, were you able to figure out what caused the kickback?

Rod Sheridan
05-12-2010, 3:38 PM
Hi Victor, in 32 years of using a table saw, I have never experienced a kickback.

I also have never ripped or crosscut without a guard and splitter.

Regards, Rod.

Van Huskey
05-12-2010, 3:43 PM
Without yes, with no.

Alan Schwabacher
05-12-2010, 3:48 PM
I have not. This was discussed some time ago on the Fine Woodworking site, after a contention in the magazine that a riving knife virtually eliminates kickback.

You can find the thread by searching on the knots area of that site for "Asa C... what were you thinking?".

Vince Brytus
05-12-2010, 4:19 PM
I've been using table saws for about 23 years and have almost always had a splitter or riving knife in place and have never had a kickback.

Brian Kent
05-12-2010, 4:41 PM
Without a splitter - 3 times.
With a splitter - never.

Tom Winship
05-12-2010, 6:04 PM
Without a splitter (let me go count the holes/dents in the sheetrock.
With a splitter-never

glenn bradley
05-12-2010, 6:14 PM
Have you had a kickback occur despite having a properly installed/aligned riving knife or splitter?

MJ Splitter. Never had a kickback with them.

Scott T Smith
05-13-2010, 5:47 AM
I have not experienced any kickback with the riving knife. I have experienced it w/o. I would unequivocally recommend a saw with a riving knife; have had both and the RK is much better.

Dave Gaul
05-13-2010, 9:57 AM
I'm with the crowd here... with splitter/rk no.. without a time or two..

I don't think it's possible if you have a splitter/rk.. unless you do something REALLY wrong, or maybe if your fence was WAY out of parallel...