View Full Version : Did other forums close?

Charles McKinley
04-02-2003, 11:29 PM

My ISP has put in a new server and I had to install a disk they sent me and I now can't access Old Woodworking Machines, Woodweb or woodcentral.

I know there was talk of financial dificulties at one of them. Are they still there and I can't get in or are they gone?



Chris Teenor
04-02-2003, 11:51 PM
Woodcentral (WC) was there as of fifteen minutes ago.

Bruce Stangeby
04-02-2003, 11:52 PM
I have been to both sights today and they work ok for me.

Tom Sweeney
04-02-2003, 11:54 PM
I was surfing the old WWmachines site the same time I saw your post - I knew Ellis at woodcentral was still running -but checked anyway & woodweb is still there also. Sounds like you ISP has some DNS / routing issues maybe.

Charles McKinley
04-03-2003, 7:31 AM
I email my ISP last night. Hope they correct this soon.

Charles McKinley
04-03-2003, 8:02 AM
Problem is fixed.
