View Full Version : Help With Old Lathe

Ray Binnicker
05-11-2010, 7:37 PM
Hey guys,
An elderly lady friend who lost her husband recently asked me if I would be interested in her husband's lathe, and, if not would I see if I could sell it for her. Being a "proud" mustard owner:) myself plus a very old Delta that I semi-restored I pretty much figured I didn't need it. I did agree to try and sell it for her. It is a Craftsman mdl 31-21717 var spd. I'm going to try and get her 200.00 for it. It seems to be good shape. There is no manual with it and I have a couple questions I hope someone can answer.
1. When you turn the power switch on with the variable spd switch in the off position all you hear is a fan running. When you turn the var switch the motor comes on. If you shut the power switch off while it is running it won't come back on. You have to have the var switch in the off position before you turn the power switch on or it will not run. Once it is running and you want to stop the lathe for any reason and be able to start it back up you have use the var spd switch. You just have to remember to turn the var spd switch off before shutting off the power switch. Does this sound normal ? I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
2. There is a short pin (3 in) on a chain with a hole in side of the headstock for the pin. There seems to make no difference if the pin is in the hole or not. What is it for?
TIA for any help.
Ray Binnicker

Bernie Weishapl
05-11-2010, 9:11 PM
Ray I think John Hart had that lathe and hopefully will see this. I think the pin with the chain is if you pull it the headstock turns for outboard turning. I had one on my C-man lathe which came after the one you have made by Palmgren. It pinned the headstock.