View Full Version : jointer/planer ?

Eric John
05-08-2010, 8:33 AM
Hello evryone,

So , as I look at what will hopefully soon be my shop area. I notice that its not that big (roughly 9x17), smaller than my old shop to be sure. Ok, I will be a little tight ,now I have a portable planer (22-580). never had a jointer, always got buy with handplanes ,power plane and planer. But I am thinking of getting a jointer, a combo unit to save space, I have considered looking into the hammer a3,and some of the other combos that are offered,But my concern is the switching back and forth between jointer and planer, does that tend to throw the tables out of alignment? would it hold up? Im only a hobbyist to be sure, but it was a concern.
To those who have these machines, what has been your experience?
I appreciate your help.


Arnold E Schnitzer
05-08-2010, 8:52 AM
I have the Jet JJP-12. It takes about 3 minutes to switch it over, and alignment is not an issue. It's a pretty good machine, but the Hammer is better, though about twice the price.

Jamie Buxton
05-08-2010, 10:21 AM
Use SMC's Search function to find a zillion threads about combo jointer/planers. Search with "jointer/planer" or "combo" or a manufacturers name or a model number.

Eric John
05-09-2010, 8:35 AM
Thanks arnold, Thank you jamie I"ll try that also


Alan Lightstone
05-09-2010, 8:41 AM
I have the Laguna 12" jointer / planer. Great machine, though its dust collection is insufficient.

I use a power screwdriver with a socket for lifting the table for planing. Speeds up the changeover process.

Rod Sheridan
05-09-2010, 7:42 PM
I ave the Hammer A3-31, couldn't be happier.

Buy it and you'll know why.........Power, precision, repeatability, space savings and a 12" jointer....Fantastic.........Regards, Rod.

Mike Hollingsworth
05-09-2010, 8:03 PM
I have the Jet JJP-12. It takes about 3 minutes to switch it over, and alignment is not an issue. It's a pretty good machine, but the Hammer is better, though about twice the price.

Why so long? I'd have two minutes to spare changing over my mini-max combo. Dust Collection and all.

Combos Rock!

Curt Harms
05-10-2010, 7:42 AM
new to me at least.
http://rikontools.com/productpage_25-200.htm I don't know anything about it.

Jim Becker
05-10-2010, 9:56 PM
No issues with "misalignment" from switching over and my J/P (Minimax) takes about a whole minute and a half to switch over. I do plan my work a little better to avoid constant shifting, but I also rarely edge joint, having a sliding saw for ripping. If you are a "disorganized" woodworker relative to project steps, than you'll be switching over more often than if you are more of a planner.

I absolutely love my J/P and it was the right choice for my shop due to space...and my shop is somewhat larger than yours. I'm also a believer in wide jointers and J/Ps fill that need very well for a respectable investment.