View Full Version : Necklace carousel for necklace box, and why is jewelry so much!

Matt Allan
11-18-2004, 4:57 PM
Curious if anyone has made a jewelry box for hanging necklaces, I am planning on buying my fiance a 1ct 3stone diamond necklace for xmas and thought it would be a good time to build something to hold all of her necklaces as well. Haven't deiced on a design yet but I really liked the necklace carousels that leevalley and rockler sell. The problem is these little things cost like $23 bucks a pop and I need 4. Well after the price of the necklace spending nearly 100 bucks for some brass holders seems a bit too much :)

I would like to either find something like it cheaper or wondering what else any of you guys have tried. I was thinking of just some spaced out small cup hooks, but that just doesn't look nearly as neat as the carousels

Also someone needs to tell me why rocks cost so much money and why women love them. Bah!


Dennis McDonaugh
11-18-2004, 5:37 PM
Matt, I made a box that looks like an armorie with two of those carousels. Yes, they are expensive, but I haven't found anything like them cheaper and Katherine really loves the way they work. My advice is to bite the bullet and and buy the carousels otherwise you'll think about it everytime you see the box.

Scott Coffelt
11-18-2004, 5:46 PM
But in the end she is all worth it, that's why you are marrying her. Go for it, she love it as long as she loves you and maybe longer :D .

Michael Stafford
11-18-2004, 6:21 PM
I have made a few boxes like you describe. I use a pivoting wooden arm that is attached to the top inside of the box. On each side instead of cup hooks I use brass L-shaped pins I glue into tiny holes in the arm. Then along the back wall of the box I also install a row of hooks. On one I installed hooks on the inside of the pivoting door and had an elasticized pocket at the bottom to control the swing of the necklaces and reduce tangling. Sorry I don't have pictures as I made those a few years ago before I had a digital camera.

I always used a spectacular little scrap of highly figured wood, very smooth and polished for the swing arm.

Fred Chan
11-18-2004, 11:32 PM
Matt, your fiance's a lucky lady!:) After losing all her jewellry to burglars LOML no longer leaves her stuff out on the dresser. We keep all valuables in a hiding spot when it's not being used. We keep a jewellry box full of unwanted costume jewellry on top of the dresser for break and enter bandits to grab.:mad: :mad:

Matt Allan
11-18-2004, 11:44 PM
Matt, your fiance's a lucky lady!:) After losing all her jewellry to burglars LOML no longer leaves her stuff out on the dresser. We keep all valuables in a hiding spot when it's not being used. We keep a jewellry box full of unwanted costume jewellry on top of the dresser for break and enter bandits to grab.:mad: :mad:

Wow, very sorry to hear that. I hope you had insurance on any pricey stuff. Her engagement ring and this necklace are her only really big ticket items, and she always wears her engagement ring(even in bed) but thinking about it I may hide this necklace when not in use. Still plan to make the necklace holder though since she has others she can use it for.

Looks like I may just bite it and get the what I think is insanely priced carousels :)

I don't mind spending money on things I think are worth it, these just seemed price a bit much for what they are.

Tom LaRussa
11-19-2004, 3:59 PM
Haven't deiced on a design yet but I really liked the necklace carousels that leevalley and rockler sell. The problem is these little things cost like $23 bucks a pop and I need 4.

So make one out of some scraps of really nice wood -- a center round thingie with some dowels sticking out. Cocobolo, bubinga, something like that. A little carving on the dowels so they're shaped in some inventive way...

You get the idea.

Also someone needs to tell me why rocks cost so much money
Varies from rock to rock. In the case of diamonds it's because DeBeers controls so much of the entire world's production that they can charge whatever they want. If the price of diamonds was subject to an actual free market it would drop through the floor. They are not rare stones at all.

and why women love them. Bah!
If I were a cynic I'd say ... um ... of forget it. :rolleyes:

Since I'm not a cynic I'll say it must be the shiny sparkles and stuff like that there.