View Full Version : DNA drying method for spindle turning ?

Mike Willeson
05-04-2010, 9:02 AM
Seems that the DNA drying method is often described as being used for bowls, hollow forms, etc.

What if you have some fresh cut wood and you want to turn things that are more "spindle like"...candle holders, Christmas ornaments, etc.

Does the DNA drying method work on solid wood objects or do you need to go with dry material for thicker, solid objects?

Bernie Weishapl
05-04-2010, 10:05 AM
Mike I guess you could use the DNA method but on those things (ornaments, mini birdhouses, candle holders, etc) I usually use kiln dried wood. Most spindle pieces that I have cut from green wood that are like 3 x 3 or smaller I just wax the ends and put them on the shelf to dry. When I cut pen blanks from green wood I just wax the ends and throw them on a shelf to dry.

Frank Van Atta
05-04-2010, 10:11 AM
I think DNA - or any drying method, for that matter - would be a definite plus for spindle turners as well as bowl turners. I have cut pen blanks from green wood only to have them curl up like pretzels. I personally prefer pressure cooking for small items, even though it does tend to darken them.

Go for it - you certainly can't do any damage.