View Full Version : Ceiling Fans

David Ripley
04-02-2003, 2:39 PM
Just wondering how many of you have Ceiling Fans in your shops,
and how do they work, as in keeping you cool , does it stir up dust ect.. Thanks David

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Ted Shrader
04-02-2003, 2:58 PM
David -

I don't have a ceiling fan in my shop - which is exactly opposite of what you asked. I use a box fan about shoulder level propped up on the water heater. When even hotter, I use another fan near the floor to keep the air moving.

In the winter, the water heater fan is angled up toward the 10" ceiling to move the heated air back down where it will do some good.


Lee Schierer
04-02-2003, 3:36 PM
I have a 52" 3 blade industrial type ceiling fan in my shop. It is mounted lower than I would like due to the low ceiling height of the shop. It is variable speed and does not raise dust, though it does blow the drawings off the table if I don't weight them down. Makes a good breeze for those hot days.

I do have to watch how I swing boards around when it is running. More than one has had a close encounter.

Steve Clardy
04-02-2003, 4:36 PM
one of them 52" airplane jobs. I normally don't use it till summer time. It does a good job of dusting off the rafters when it's first turned on. Hafta stand outside. It really moves the air when needed. Hafta turn it off when spraying though, I do not have a spray booth yet. Steve

Ken Salisbury
04-02-2003, 6:11 PM
I have a 36" variable speed one directly in the middle of my shop. I normally run it on low speed just to keep some air moving around. Since I also have a ceiling mounted Delta Air Cleaner I don't see anydust stirred up by the fan.

Ray Thompson
04-02-2003, 8:23 PM
I have one that runs year round on low. Nice to sit under in the summer and study the inside of my eyelids.


Phil Phelps
04-02-2003, 9:30 PM
...but I could see me hitting it, or them, with dead eye accuracy.

David Ripley
04-02-2003, 10:23 PM
Thanks everyone, I think I will put one or two in my shop, it gets
real hot here in Sacramento. We can have 20 to 30 days over 100
degrees.I don`t get a lot of shop time between July and September. Thanks again David R.

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