View Full Version : Creeker sighting at art fair!!!

Bill Wilcox
05-03-2010, 10:42 AM
Up here in "Gods Country" (Western Wisconsin), there was several art fairs going on. I decided to take a break from the "Hunny Do" list and go see what was going on. I drove to Roberts, Wisconsin and there inside a small weaving/ textile shop was a fellow Creeker. I have never met this person before however we have traded PM's on the forum. But I can tell you that I felt like I have known him for years.
I met Jeff Nicol sitting at his computer and showing people some of the work he had done that was not there at his table. Boy!! Jeff sure has some nice pieces and he is a very approachable and nice guy. He has lots of interesting stories and I am looking forward to going to his place and getting some good tips on turning. My garage/ turing shop is near completion and will be making curls soon.
After I met Jeff, I went into my hometown of Hudson, Wisconsin and went to a few more places that had open houses with their art work. One of the shops was a glass blowing shop that a very good friend of mine that I haven't seen for several years has. When I told him of my retirement and my obsession with wanting to create art pieces with a wood lathe, he was very excited and said that he has been following the wood turning craft and was very impressed with how this art form is really coming to life again. He told me that when I am ready to show him some of my work he will gladly look at it and if I want to, he would love to have some of my pieces in his gallery.
Looks like I need to hop-too and get going on spinning some wood.

Here are some pictures of Jeff at his table at the art fair.
And Jeff, it was a pleasure meeting you and I am looking forward to going down to your studio.
Bill Wilcox

John Keeton
05-03-2010, 12:51 PM
Ahhh, a native creature, in his own environ - how much better could it get?!?!:D

Steve Schlumpf
05-03-2010, 1:01 PM
I figured it wouldn't be to long before you guys got together! Glad to see it finally happen!

Real nice table there Jeff! Hope you did well at the show!

Bill - one of the hardest things in turning is finding a place to sell your work. Sounds like you have that taken care - once you get to turning!

David E Keller
05-03-2010, 1:08 PM
Sounds like a great meeting. I hope for Jeff's sake that the table was empty when the show was over!

Ken Fitzgerald
05-03-2010, 1:31 PM
That's cool! Nothing like Creeker visits!

Bernie Weishapl
05-03-2010, 6:48 PM
That is just to cool.

Scott Hackler
05-03-2010, 7:03 PM
Holy Moly, Jeff. That vase/vessel on the end of the table is huge! I love seeing the large stuff.

Jeff Fagen
05-03-2010, 10:27 PM
Defenitly not the snoby artist type.Jeff,I hope your show went well.

Jeff Nicol
05-04-2010, 7:35 AM
Bill, Thanks for the kind words and great thread! After Sunday was done at 5:00p.m. I was out of business cards and my voice was getting hoarse! This is the 3rd year that I have done this show and it is the only true show that I do. I was scrambling right up to the end to have enough stuff to fill the table and to have some items to put out for replacements. Tons of people with lots of questions and lots of requests to stop in and visit for more insight and to place orders for things. I had 15 cards and notes from patrons looking for special things so more work is in my future!

The big vase is a chunk of old dead White Birch that I almost tossed in the woodstove. But I needed some things to bring so i finished it up a few weeks ago. It was left pretty rough and just has paste wax on it for some soft sheen. It was one of the "HOOK" pieces to get people to the table. I even brought a few "Works in progress" with "Not for sale on them" but one lady wanted a maple burl multi-center turned piece so bad I broke down and sold it to her. THen her daughter came over and bought the nice urn I had on the table, $215 for both, I was happy! The big spenders were out on Saturday, but I had others come back on Sunday looking for pieces that sold the day before! I wish I would have had more stuff, I had to clean off some of my wife's favorites to keep the table full for Sunday!

It was great to meet Bill and it was a great sale! Now I can make a couple truck payments and pay for my new/old antique "BIG" band saw!

The door is always open stop on by!
