View Full Version : Hornbeam wood source?

Tony Shea
04-30-2010, 4:37 PM
I am looking for some hornbeam wood for some handles and plane bodies but just can't seem to find it. I live in Maine (eastern) where hornbeam is supposedly native to and still can't find any sources locally. Has anyone ordered any hornbeam and where did you find it if you did? Seems a mystery to me that no one in my area of Maine has never really even heard of hornbeam being a native tree.

dan petroski
04-30-2010, 6:41 PM
there are two types of hornbeam in me. the hophornbeam and the american hornbeam. i had about 4 logs in my last batch of firewood.i think i burned all of it but i'll look. it is a small tree,6 to 8 inches, and i coulden't keep it from splitting when i dried it. i wanted to make some mallets. i'm up in" the county". if you can't find any let me know and i'll see if i can locate some for you.

Tony Shea
04-30-2010, 9:14 PM
I actually live in the Bar Harbor area, really not that far east. None the less have never seen any hornbeam locally what so ever. Any leads Dan would be greatly appreciated. I was PMed a company in Vermont that is supposed to have it but really is a bit of a drive for me. Maybe a hair closer would be helpful. One would think that if it's local I ought to be able to find it no problem and at good prices.

And am really not sure what type I'm looking for other than it's what is used for LN chisel handles and many other tools and such. It's very hard and lighter in color. Thats about all I know but would love to know more and see and work it in person.

Jeff Willard
04-30-2010, 10:28 PM
I have some blanks that were originally intended for loom shuttles. Bought them years ago from Lee Valley. Nothing large enough for a plane body, but they would prolly make fine handles. How much are you thinking of? I don't want to give it all away, but I could be persuaded to part with some of it. PM me.

BTW, in that part of the country, it may be better known as "ironwood".

Jeff Willard
04-30-2010, 10:54 PM
...it is a small tree,6 to 8 inches,...

I like to haunt the Civil War sites, and other parks down here, and occasionally run across one. They are seldom much larger than this, if at all. The strange thing is that when I do come across one, it's only one. Not another in sight. I can only surmise that a bird is responsible for planting it.

dan petroski
05-01-2010, 6:58 PM
it is also called muscle wood because of the shape of the tree trunk.
i would ask a firewood processor because it has no commercial value now. they used it for pegs in the old boat building days. perhaps ask a boat restorer/ it seems that i burned all of mine