View Full Version : A big wood GLOAT!

Jack Mincey
04-30-2010, 3:46 PM
I have been looking at some very large silver maple trees in a yard for years, thinking it would be great to get some of the wood if they ever cut them down. While driving to work today I almost wrecked when I saw that they had been cut and the very very large butt cuts where laying where the trees had been. This is at 7:00 A.M. and there was a man working in the yard so I made a wreckless U-Turn and went to ask him what they where going to do with the butt cuts. He said they where going to take them to be ground up. I asked if they would rather drop them off at my school shop since it was 30 miles closer than the grinder. He dropped them off after lunch and dumped them behind the shop. The two largest are right at 4 feet thru and the one with the dark center is over 3 feet thru. O did I forget to say that it is all very curly as well. I tried to give the guy some money for gas and he said that one bowl from them would be payment enough. It took him two trips with a large flat bed truck to get all this wood to our school. I should have enough wood at school to last my students until I retire now.

Robert McGowen
04-30-2010, 3:56 PM
Sounds like a nice guy helping out, plus he got to help himself out some. A win all the way around!

Norm Zax
04-30-2010, 3:58 PM
Thats one big puppy. Well done.

Ted Evans
04-30-2010, 4:01 PM
Congrats Jack, there are some lucky kids at your school, great looking wood.

John Hart
04-30-2010, 4:12 PM
Too Cool!!!
Sometimes You Get The Bear

charlie knighton
04-30-2010, 5:17 PM
great gloat, the pattet in the background sort of shows the size, cool

Randy Gazda
04-30-2010, 6:46 PM
Very cool, that it didn't go to the grinder. You could make some biggg bowls out of the that.

David E Keller
04-30-2010, 7:04 PM
That's a great gloat.

Talk about ruining a group of students:eek:! Where do they have to go after learning on enormous figured maple blanks? :D

Baxter Smith
04-30-2010, 7:28 PM
Nice chunk of wood! Your students don't know how lucky they are!

Steve Schlumpf
04-30-2010, 7:28 PM
Wow! Great gloat Jack! Make sure he gets a really nice bowl and you may have just made a contact for future wood supplies for the school!

Richard Madison
04-30-2010, 8:14 PM
A worthy gloat for a worthy cause. Well done!

Steve Vaughan
04-30-2010, 9:22 PM
That's being in the right place at the right time! WOW!

Bernie Weishapl
04-30-2010, 9:57 PM
Great gloat Jack. I agree with a bowl for him.

Donny Lawson
04-30-2010, 10:04 PM
That's a nice Gloat. What kind of things will come from it?

Jamie Straw
04-30-2010, 10:42 PM
That's fantastic! How lucky the kids are to be able to work wood like that. Hope we get to see the bowl when it's made.;)

gary Zimmel
05-01-2010, 10:48 AM
Very worthy gloat Jack. The students have blanks for a long, long time now...

Jack Mincey
05-01-2010, 3:43 PM
Thanks everyone, it was a lucky day for sure. This wood is so curly that I plan on slabing out some to dry for boxes and calls in the future. I can't ever keep enough dry wood for all the students to turn boxes from.