View Full Version : (Slightly) Modified Veritas Pullshave

Niels Cosman
04-28-2010, 8:10 PM
Hi All,
Today I got a new LV Veritas pullshave in the mail. I am starting to make chair seats and I was looking for an alternative/accessory to my two cherries scorp for shaping (which is a little to flat in profile, and the handles not at the right angle) .

First off, i think its a great tool. The fit and finish are great and it took about 10 minutes to polish the back of the blade and put a 2 degree microbevel in the A1 steel blade (i also got an O1 spare and to compare and keep for finer work). I took it to a piece of scrap and when the shavings started flying I knew this was a perfect tool for the task. It made easy work of hollowing a butt-cheek sized impression in no time at all.

However, two things struck me from the get go:

First, for shaping deeper grooves i think the rear handle was a little too long. It was the same problem i had with my scorp. The handle was getting in the way and not allowing me to get the proper angle of attack to make a cut.
Not a problem. I grabbed some scrap ash and turned a replacement pair of handles. I also gave myself a slightly taller front knob (to make it easier to push the tool as well). I've also never been a big fan of bubinga and I think the ash compliments the tool.

Secondly, the profile of the sole in front of the mouth is convex one way and flat the other. I thing this limits the ability of the tool to get into deeper recesses without lowering the blade significantly, causing chatter and rough cuts.
Again the solution was simple, I took a sharpie and marked in front of the mouth. I took the took to my wet belt sander and remove a small amount of material to round over the flat. I left about a 1/16+" material in front of the mouth flat, but might remove that later.

After these small mods the tool was singing and hollowing like the dickens!
a little scraping and you've got smooth place to plant yer butt.

I LOVE this tool!

Eiji Fuller
04-28-2010, 11:11 PM
nice mods! I need a lathe

Niels Cosman
05-01-2010, 12:24 AM
get one- turning is a blast!

David Gendron
05-01-2010, 1:54 AM
+1 and +1... I like that tool and I think the mods are great additions! I also need a lathe...