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View Full Version : We may not have bears but . . .

Glenn Vaughn
04-27-2010, 3:31 PM
We have these - parents and 5 young just across the back fence. BTW we live in town - quite away from open country.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-27-2010, 3:48 PM

I live in town....we have had bears, mountain lions, elk, deer and moose within the city limits in our tenure here.

Glenn Vaughn
04-27-2010, 4:06 PM

I live in town....we have had bears, mountain lions, elk, deer and moose within the city limits in our tenure here.

We get deer all the time - they eat the roses. We have had bears next door (last year). A lion was sleeping in the Abbey chapel 1/2 mile away a few years ago. We get lots of bear reports in the fall and a few lion reports during the year - mostly around the river. Colorado has lots of wildlife.

Dave Anderson NH
04-28-2010, 12:06 PM
My wife Sue loved our local red foxes and was pretty good at observing the family den at the edge of our back yard. She was amazed one day a few years ago when the mother brought the kits out one by one for Sue's inspection at a distnace of about 25 feet.

Even in our part of southeren NH where we are rapidly becoming suburbanized we still have moose, porcupines, raccoons, skunks, fishers, the rare wildcat. We have so many coyotes and deer that it is an aggravation and nuisance.

Rich Stewart
04-28-2010, 7:37 PM
That's what the coyotes and deer are saying about humans.