View Full Version : Going to get this stabilized

Aaron Wingert
04-26-2010, 8:55 PM
I just bought this nice piece of curly spalted maple. One of the nicest pieces I've ever seen. I make turkey calls, so I cut it into 4-1/4" x 1-1/8" thick blanks. I'm going to send them to WSSI to get stabilized, as they're a bit too punky to be durable enough for calls.

I've never sent anything off to be stabilized but have turned a little stabilized wood. I know I could just get them done clear to retain the natural color but I'd like to add some gold or amber color to them just to warm them up a little though. The dark lines opposite the grain are slight burns from a friend's bandsaw.

Anyone with experience with stabilized woods have any color suggestions? Vibrant colors like red/blue/purple are a big no-no for turkey calls, as they resember the colors of a turkey's head and they stand out in the woods....Makes me nervous that the rare idiot in the woods might make a big mistake.

Definitely open to suggestions!

Donny Lawson
04-26-2010, 9:57 PM
Aaron, I cannot help on stabilization of your Maple but I can say you have some beautiful wood there. It should make some nice calls and other turnings.Let us know how it turns out.

John Hart
04-27-2010, 6:33 AM
Hunter Green. Would go nicely with the black spalting and look like the lastest camoflage designs in guns these days.

Ya know....color coordinating fashion accessories for the active hunter.

John Keeton
04-27-2010, 7:19 AM
I think John is on to something there. The camo look, with the spalt pattern, would be sharp - perhaps do some in medium chocolate brown, as well? Not so dark as to lose the spalt lines, though.

Aaron Wingert
04-27-2010, 9:16 AM
I never thought of green. I think at least a couple of them will go green! Good idea. :D

Steve Schlumpf
04-27-2010, 9:47 AM
Sure is some great looking wood! I would leave a couple of the blanks clear - just so you don't hide the spalt lines. Green sounds like it would be a nice color but make sure you don't finish them with an oil base top coat or you may change them to more of a blue coloring.

Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Bernie Weishapl
04-27-2010, 10:14 AM
Aaron I agree the Hunter green color would be really cool. As far as amber goes if you use a oil finish you will probably get enough amber I would think. I would also leave some natural finish with lacquer.

Mike Minto
04-27-2010, 10:26 AM
also, if it wouldn't be impolite to ask, could you let us know just how many pieces you have 'stabilized', and what the total cost was, with shipping? i looked at their page, and it made me wonder. thanks, in any event.

Aaron Wingert
04-27-2010, 12:03 PM
also, if it wouldn't be impolite to ask, could you let us know just how many pieces you have 'stabilized', and what the total cost was, with shipping? i looked at their page, and it made me wonder. thanks, in any event.

Yeah I'm curious about that Mike. I think their rate is just under $13/pound after stabilizing plus shipping. Dyes are a couple bucks more. I'll weigh the box before shipping and see what I've got. I don't think it will be exactly cheap...I'm betting it'll be upwards of $60 easily.

John Keeton
04-27-2010, 12:43 PM
I don't think it will be exactly cheap...I'm betting it'll be upwards of $60 easily.Even at that, you have 8 pieces, and the "per piece" cost isn't so bad for a blank that size since not much seems to be available in stabilized wood except pen blanks.

Aaron Wingert
04-27-2010, 2:03 PM
Even at that, you have 8 pieces, and the "per piece" cost isn't so bad for a blank that size since not much seems to be available in stabilized wood except pen blanks.

Yup, and the profit I'll make on them once they are made into turkey calls will easily offset the up front cost. It's a business for me (as well as a hobby), so it makes the price easier to swallow when I look at it that way!

I sure wish that there were more sources for stabilized wood in sizes larger than pen blanks. Staburl is the only one I know of, and their stuff is usually just barely big enough to squeeze a duck call out of.

David E Keller
04-27-2010, 3:53 PM
Aaron, you can get larger stabilized piece from Arizona Silhouette sometimes... You'll have to call him to see what he has. I believe there is a limit to the size of the piece that can be stabilized because of penetration of the acrylic material.

You probably already know this, but the colors can be disappointing sometimes with stabilized wood if you are hoping for deep vibrant colors. If it's pretty soft and punky, it'll do fine. The solid areas on woods like maple often don't take up much color. Sometime red looks pretty pink, etc. You can darken them a bit with an oil finish but only to a degree.

I'm also interested to see what your cost is if you don't mind sharing it here. I've got a bunch of pen blanks that I'd like to have stabilized, but I've held off because I'm not sure how much it'll cost. I'm not sure if it's feasible, but you could rough turn those before stabilizing and potentially save yourself some money.

brian watts
04-27-2010, 8:16 PM
very nice...you can send a few my way..hehe

Aaron Wingert
04-27-2010, 11:40 PM
I'm also interested to see what your cost is if you don't mind sharing it here. I've got a bunch of pen blanks that I'd like to have stabilized, but I've held off because I'm not sure how much it'll cost. I'm not sure if it's feasible, but you could rough turn those before stabilizing and potentially save yourself some money.

Will do David. I don't know how long it'll take, but I won't know the price until it is done. Kinda scary actually. :rolleyes:

I called and talked to the owner of WSSI, and he urged me to cut my blanks down to size as opposed to sending him one chunk of wood. He said otherwise I'm paying to stabilize a lot of wood that'll end up as shavings. I do know they suggest oversizing your blanks somewhat.

He also said that he cannot stabilize claro walnut, which I use a lot of. Walnut, yes...But not claro walnut. Long story, but he said that it does not work at all.

Frank Van Atta
04-28-2010, 1:38 AM
For those of you wanting to know prices for stabilizing and dying, I just ran across this site: http://www.lazerlinez.com/SDPricing.asp

Aaron Wingert
04-28-2010, 8:43 AM
For those of you wanting to know prices for stabilizing and dying, I just ran across this site: http://www.lazerlinez.com/SDPricing.asp

I hear good things about these guys. Their prices are in line with WSSI's. From what I hear from other game call makers that use stabilized wood, WSSI is the place that everyone else is compared to.

Bill Wilcox
04-28-2010, 11:13 AM
Could someone please fill me in on who is "WSSI" ?
I plan on getting some wood stabilized and would like to see their site.

John Keeton
04-28-2010, 11:48 AM
Bill, I am not familiar with it, but a quick Google gave this - I imagine it is the one mentioned.


Tim Rinehart
04-28-2010, 4:31 PM
I have bought some to try out on somewhat punky spalted wood I have, but haven't tried yet. They sell 3 different products for stablizing and helping prevent shrinkage...depending on how green vs dry. I did treat some buckeye burl pen blanks with the Wood Juice...but haven't turned one yet.

Just a thought...though I suspect you're having them stabilized using some vacuum treatment process will likely result in a much more durable product, but this may be worth trying as a side experiment.