View Full Version : Edge banding Question

Mark Ottenheimer
04-26-2010, 3:14 PM
I am making a cherry desk and want to glue a walnut band onto the drawer front for looks. I am struggling with the long grain to end grain glue up part. Will this joint be strong enough. It is only a drawer front. The band will be about 1/4" thick around the entire perimeter of the drawer front and mitered at the corners. What type of glue would be best for this. I was going to use TB2. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Glen Butler
04-26-2010, 4:04 PM
I believe I am following what you are asking. To reiterate: Around the perimeter of the drawer front you will glue a 1/4 x 3/4 piece of hardwood walnut to form somewhat of a frame around the cherry? This is not a stress joint so regular yellow glue will be fine.

Mark Ottenheimer
04-26-2010, 4:34 PM
That is what I am asking. I want to build a frame around the cherry using 1/4 X 3/4 walnut.

Frank Drew
04-27-2010, 9:27 AM
An applied trim around a drawer front such as this is called cock beading, although it's often more like 1/8" thick; traditionally, it was most commonly used on veneered drawer fronts to protect the edge of the veneer, and, also traditionally, only the piece on the top edge would the full width of the drawer front's thickness, the other three something like 1/4" wide (i.e. back to where the dovetails start on the sides.)

The wider the drawer front, and the thicker the applied trim, the greater the chance of cross-grain gluing unhappiness, IMO.

David Prince
04-27-2010, 12:56 PM
Here is a cock-beading video
