View Full Version : I hate this place

John Hart
04-24-2010, 7:41 PM
I sez to myself I sez, "Finish the library.....No turning until the library is complete."

So there I am, installing baseboards...staining....nailing...sawing....shees h!!

"Dont go near the lathe", I sez.

"Don't even think about it"

Hammer hammer....saw saw saw.....hmmmm

"maybe just a little something...ya know...just to get back on the horse"

"naw"......hammer hammer hammer...saw saw saw.

5 minutes later, I find myself cutting a 2" slab of cherry and mounting it.

This is the problem with SMC. Or maybe I'm just compulsive.

I'll just work on the library tomorrow........I sez.

Cherry Platter...lousy pics.....no finish....11" Diameter.

David E Keller
04-24-2010, 7:49 PM
I've often been told that the sign of a great craftsman is to take a project to near completion then procrastinate for as long as possible... or maybe that's the line of bull I've been feeding my wife regarding unfinished projects.

I hate to mention it, but you didn't even finish the bowl!:D

Nice bowl by the way.

Ted Evans
04-24-2010, 7:51 PM
Been there, done that. The difference, one is fun, one is work.

Steve Vaughan
04-24-2010, 8:06 PM
Regardless of what your wife might say, I think you done good right there!

Jim Koepke
04-24-2010, 8:07 PM
The feeling is common.

It used to be my job would keep me out of the shop. Ten hour work days have a way of doing that.

Just recently, it was needing to finish the wiring in the greenhouse. That has been the dreaded chore for too long. Most of the conduits needed more wire pulled with very little room to spare in the conduits. A word to the wise, if you ever are putting in some new conduit, make them one size bigger than you think you will need. You will be happier later.

Three days and a lot of aching joints from twisting wire nuts and all the electric is done except hooking up the gas heater and hanging a couple of circulation fans.

So we took a vacation day yesterday by going to Portland to do some shopping. Found some nice old tools and went to one of my favorite exotic wood stores. Picked up about $60 worth of rosewood, rock maple and ebony.

Now there are a lot of other things needing doing, but some of it is 'honey do' projects in the shop so that is good.


Randy Gazda
04-24-2010, 8:12 PM
Late in the day for my eyes, is that curly cherry? Nice platter either way.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-24-2010, 8:12 PM
Nice to see no diminished skills John! Welcome back my friend!

Nice bowl!

David Christopher
04-24-2010, 8:16 PM
http://www.sawmillcreek.org/picture.php?albumid=347&pictureid=3370I think weve all been there and done that

John Hart
04-24-2010, 8:25 PM
thanks guys.....I really do love it here....I just get into trouble.

I hate to mention it, but you didn't even finish the bowl!:D

You caught that huh? story of my life :o

Randy...It has some curl to it. Once I put the finish on, it should really come out. Maybe I'll focus the camera next time!! :D

Ken...it was scary!!! Two years without turning....you start to wonder if you're going to blow it up. I think I got lucky though....no catches...no tear-out. But it still felt kinda weird.

Robert McGowen
04-24-2010, 8:33 PM
Maybe this "fix" will buy you a few more days in the library before the urge hits again!

Steve Schlumpf
04-24-2010, 8:55 PM
Wow - Nice bowl! Love Cherry - Love curly! Looks like you got them both in one bowl!

If that is the result of your first effort after 2 years of down time - won't be long and you'll feel right at home again!

Hope the library gets finished! You have a link to the photos? I must have missed it!

John Keeton
04-24-2010, 9:23 PM
Steve, John "buried it" in the thread (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/showthread.php?t=138216) on Carole Valentine - guess he didn't want us to know he was doing flatwork?!?!?;):D

Nice work on the bowl, John!! You realize, of course, that you are hooked again! The two year rehab program was a complete waste. The only thing that will work now is an inpatient program!:eek::D

Bernie Weishapl
04-24-2010, 9:32 PM
Beautiful bowl John. Really good to see ya back turn'in. Looks to me like ya haven't missed a beat. Some finish on that should really make it pop. Are you still turning on the C-man VS lathe?

Pete Jordan
04-24-2010, 9:32 PM
Welcome back John! It is nice to see your photography has improved:)

The library will wait till next winter. Get out and turn.

Steve Schlumpf
04-24-2010, 9:59 PM
Thanks John! Went back and checked out the nice work and couldn't help but notice the deer! Check out both photos with the window! Cool!

Carole Valentine
04-24-2010, 10:25 PM
Ha! Next thing I guess you are going to blame it all on me for emailing you the other day.:D That's OK John, I can take it! LOL

Gary DeWitt
04-25-2010, 1:30 AM
I know what you mean. I'm doing some flat work (gasp!!!) for my house and have to pass my lathe several times a day without turning anything, real drag. Good to see you back, John. I was wondering what happened to you...

alex carey
04-25-2010, 3:48 AM
SMC is the first thing I check in the morning, 2nd is FB but im young so its forgivable, and every morning I see all these new turnings posted and I think "o man thats pretty cool, gotta try that" "O dang how'd he do that, that looks impossible" "That steve guy is a frickin amazing turner" "ARE YOU KIDDING ME, KEETON IS ALREADY ON 30!!!!"

so yeah, SMC has also definitely pushed me further into the rabbit hole. I have all these finals coming up and they keep getting in the way of turning...

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:35 AM
Maybe this "fix" will buy you a few more days in the library before the urge hits again!

Yeah...just like heroin. I fear that there's trouble ahead.

It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:37 AM
Wow - Nice bowl! Love Cherry - Love curly! Looks like you got them both in one bowl!

If that is the result of your first effort after 2 years of down time - won't be long and you'll feel right at home again!

I couldn't sleep last night because I was thinking about a vase that I've been wanting to do. I think I feel right at home already!!

It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:39 AM
Nice work on the bowl, John!! You realize, of course, that you are hooked again! The two year rehab program was a complete waste. The only thing that will work now is an inpatient program!:eek::D

Yup...I was thinking that I can just integrate it into every aspect of my life....build a bookshelf...turn a vase....have a cup of coffee....turn an ornament....eat something....build a giant lathe.

This is going to be easy. :rolleyes:

It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:41 AM
Beautiful bowl John. Really good to see ya back turn'in. Looks to me like ya haven't missed a beat. Some finish on that should really make it pop. Are you still turning on the C-man VS lathe?

Yup...still have the Craftsman. Cleaned off all the rust...hit it with a hammer a couple of times...and she purrs like a kitten.

It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:43 AM
Welcome back John! It is nice to see your photography has improved:)

The library will wait till next winter. Get out and turn.

Heh heh....my photography...sheesh. I bought one of those fancy schmancy Nikon Digital SLRs and can't take a decent picture. Too many buttons!!!:eek: Nice camera...It's the idiot behind it mucking everything up.

orrrrr....It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:44 AM
Ha! Next thing I guess you are going to blame it all on me for emailing you the other day.:D That's OK John, I can take it! LOL

Did you email me the other day? Hmmmm I don't recall. Must be my failing memory.

It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:46 AM
Good to see you back, John. I was wondering what happened to you...

Ever see those pictures of a black hole where all the stuff gets sucked in and then gets shot out into space? That was me....sucked into the vortex...then blasted into oblivion.

It's Carole's fault :p

John Hart
04-25-2010, 6:48 AM
so yeah, SMC has also definitely pushed me further into the rabbit hole. I have all these finals coming up and they keep getting in the way of turning...

Look at it this way Alex....When you're famous like Carole Valentine....you won't need a degree.

Skip the finals....turn a bowl.

Then blame it on Carole. :D

Allen Neighbors
04-25-2010, 9:13 AM
You guys are all crazy..... but then that's what it takes to be a wood turner. :)

Bernie Weishapl
04-25-2010, 11:35 AM
Ha! Next thing I guess you are going to blame it all on me for emailing you the other day.:D That's OK John, I can take it! LOL

Carole I guess John made it unanimous. It is all your fault.:D:cool:;):rolleyes:

Ken Fitzgerald
04-25-2010, 11:51 AM
Maybe Carole will understand why she get's a call from my wife when I buy a new turning tool.....since it's all Carole's fault!:rolleyes:

Carole Valentine
04-25-2010, 7:41 PM
Hey! I need someone to blame when I buy a new tool!

It's John's fault!!!:p

Ken Fitzgerald
04-25-2010, 7:43 PM
Hey! I need someone to blame when I buy a new tool!

It's John's fault!!!:p

That works for me Carole!

Jim Becker
04-25-2010, 8:03 PM
Welcome back, John! LOL That vortex keeps swirling, even when you close the door for awhile... ;)

John Hart
04-26-2010, 7:35 AM
You guys are all crazy..... but then that's what it takes to be a wood turner. :)

Allen...your post inspired me to write a poem.

From wence my humble beginning I came
The fledgling sprout...
...born of seed and earth

As a sapling, I struggled
Through harsh winter and wind
Lightning strikes
The erosion of rain

But my neighbors gave comfort
Already strong and sheltering my growth.

To the sky, I soar'd
Patient and growing
My bark thickening...

Through the decades I've grown
And seen the power of nature
Giving shelter to birds so weary from flight
To flirting lovers in heat...
....I gave cool umberage

I've felt the grip of the eagle talon
And the rub of the antler
With Autumn, My colors dance...
...with the symphony of the forest

For near a century I've stood
Ever watchful
Ever vigilent

Til some jerk with a lathe
Shows up with a chainsaw
And turns me into a bowl

John Shuk
04-26-2010, 9:11 AM
Nice to see you John.

Allen Neighbors
04-26-2010, 2:46 PM
Allen...your post inspired me to write a poem.

From wence my humble beginning I came
The fledgling sprout...
...born of seed and earth

As a sapling, I struggled
Through harsh winter and wind
Lightning strikes
The erosion of rain

But my neighbors gave comfort
Already strong and sheltering my growth.

To the sky, I soar'd
Patient and growing
My bark thickening...

Through the decades I've grown
And seen the power of nature
Giving shelter to birds so weary from flight
To flirting lovers in heat...
....I gave cool umberage

I've felt the grip of the eagle talon
And the rub of the antler
With Autumn, My colors dance...
...with the symphony of the forest

For near a century I've stood
Ever watchful
Ever vigilent

Til some jerk with a lathe
Shows up with a chainsaw
And turns me into a bowl

I guess that's the first time I've ever been an inspiration to such 'Awe-inspiring' work, John!!

John Keeton
04-26-2010, 3:14 PM
John Hart, you are truly a multi-talented character!! The poem is great!!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-26-2010, 3:59 PM

They let Hart out of the padded cell on special occasions! He's brilliant and certifiably insane!

John Keeton
04-26-2010, 5:02 PM
Ken, that is becoming increasingly evident!! But, since he is doing all of Keith Burns' beautiful work "behind the scenes", Keith is probably covering for him!!! We will never know the ugly truth!!

Ken Fitzgerald
04-26-2010, 5:07 PM

While John Hart can hold his own on the lathe, Keith doesn't need any help......he sets his own standards and the rest of us just look for a place to sell our tools at a profit.

John Hart
04-26-2010, 5:28 PM
Sheesh....There's one major difference between Me and Keith. Keith is a great turner and always getting better. I am a mediocre turner...doomed to remain there. But that's ok.....I have a ball.

Ken Fitzgerald
04-26-2010, 5:32 PM
Sheesh....There's one major difference between Me and Keith. Keith is a great turner and always getting better. I am a mediocre turner...doomed to remain there. But that's ok.....I have a ball.

That's the important part!

Are you still using that scraper that is an Eiffel Tower twin?

John Hart
04-26-2010, 5:36 PM
That's the important part!

Are you still using that scraper that is an Eiffel Tower twin?

Yup...Big Bertha. As a matter of fact, I used it yesterday on that vase thing to do the hollowing. Big as a horse's leg I tell ya.

Glenn Clabo
04-26-2010, 6:02 PM

They let Hart out of the padded cell on special occasions! He's brilliant and certifiably insane!

As someone who actually spent a day with this Hart guy...insane is exactly the word I'd use. I spent the day driving him around looking to buy a horse...what did he do? He bought the whole dang farm! Then he tried to convince me...through my tears of laughter...that he could run the power line to the house..down a quarter mile drive..in a weekend. Tell em how long it took ya John

Ken Fitzgerald
04-26-2010, 6:06 PM
Give us an update John.....How many horses do you have currently?:confused:;):rolleyes:

John Hart
04-26-2010, 6:28 PM
You guys are killing me. Clabo is right...I really did think I could run a main power line in a weekend. What'd it take? Over a month. I dug the trench...laid the line....waited for the inspector.....It rained....had to dig out the muck....wait for the inspector...he failed me because I didn't do the conduit under the driveway right....dug it up again....re-ran the conduit....it rained....and rained...and rained.

Horses????!!!!! HA!! No way Fitz. The girls asked for one....and all I had to do was tell them all the work they had to do. That was the end of that.

By the way Glenn...I really treasure the memory of your visit. That was the beginning of our journey with this place. It was pretty cool.

dennis kranz
04-26-2010, 9:49 PM
Good to see you back. The place hasn't been the same.