View Full Version : mounting router lift system into TS cast top

kevin freeman
04-22-2010, 9:05 PM
picked up up grizzly 1023 little while back with 50" table that includes
router setup. had planned on using 3 hp hitatchi in rt setup. after a few preliminary setups realized what a pain in the arse this setup is without much more control in height adjustment ie lift system. my question is this, are there any lift systems that can be retro fit into cast tops? what would be the options here? could i take the section of the TS to machinist and have lift plate cut in to top? Thoughts?

Paul Hingco
04-22-2010, 9:34 PM
The CI table doesn't allow for a router plate? Like the Bench Dog or Peach Tree CI tables? Right now I have a Peach tree CI table and a Jessem/Rockler lift attached to my TS.

Jim Rimmer
04-22-2010, 10:19 PM
Are you using part of the TS for the router table? If so, take a good look at the underside of the cast iron before heading to a machine shop. I recently converted a scrap TS to RT and it worked. But it only worked because the machining was bartered/free from a friend and he was pretty creative. In order to save money on the castings, there is a lot of webbing underneath with only thick bosses of CI where it was needed for the saw. Doesn't lend itself well to anything other than what it was designed for.

If I'm totally confused about your question, disregard everything I just said.

Jim O'Dell
04-22-2010, 10:28 PM
Jim is correct in that there isn't enough thickness on most TS tops to cut into it for a router lift plate and have anything left to hold it up.
BUT.....If it is a Contractor saw, could a sub plate be built that bolts on where the trunnion bolts in? Is there enough space between these mounting bolts that the space for a plate could be cut out and still have the under top piece work? Does this make sense?
Next idea, could the workings of a plate be taken off the plate and somehow mounted to the bottom of the CI top?
I don't think either of these possibilities would be feasible if one had to pay a machinist to do it. If you are a machinist and had the equipment available, it might be worth a try. Just my thoughts. Jim.

Michael T Baker
04-22-2010, 11:14 PM
Kevin ~ May be easier to look into a Router Raizer for your Hitachi and just drill one hole in the router wing.

kevin freeman
04-23-2010, 7:22 AM
this is great. new to sawmill and what a great new resource for me.
my question, or questions, may have been somewhat confusing but I think you guys got the gist of what i'm trying to do with the TS wing. Like you said there is a bit of "framework" reinforcing the wing table, so letting in a plate would
probably not be best route here, so to speak. the table has a mounting system somewhat, grizzly 1023 setup pretty spartan in terms of design, and I think that Jim might be onto it with marrying the wing mount
with the new lift somehow. hard for me to visualize that one, i've never used or seen any of the lift systems in person. if i can retrofit a lift on the bottom side of the wing table my next question would be, how to 'plumb' the adjustment part of the lift through the wing table. thanks for your guys input

johnny means
04-23-2010, 7:34 AM
YOu could used a Milwaukee 5625 router. Then all you would need to do for above the table adjustments is drill a single hole, no aftermarket add ons or complicated setups.