View Full Version : Video's for loan?

Mike Stephens
04-21-2010, 5:18 PM
How can you lock a thread without even posting a reason?

John Keeton
04-21-2010, 5:52 PM
Mike, if you will notice in the thread, I stated I was going to ask Steve to lock the thread because folks continued to post in it.

The idea was to post a thread to loan out the DVDs. Once they were spoken for, that thread had no further purpose, and whatever posts were in it on other DVDs, etc., would be lost.

If someone has other DVDs to loan out, then it would be best that they post a new thread, and when the DVDs are loaned out, that thread should be dead, and so on.

When the "holders" of the DVDs I loaned out get through with them, I anticipate they will do the same thing.

Keeping a running thread going would be a mess. Hope I have explained the situation.

Mike Stephens
04-21-2010, 5:57 PM
John I am sorry I did not catch the jest of your original post. I keep looking over the OG post looking for a reason.

My apologies SMC,