View Full Version : Videos for loan - the SMC "mobile library" update

John Keeton
04-21-2010, 10:14 AM
It seems that the complexities of the "mobile library" are a little much to justify the setup of a formal system. The thought is that it just needs to be done on an individual basis.

To that end, since it was my baby, I will make the first effort.

The following five (5) DVDs are available for loan:
Richard Raffan - "Turning Wood" and "Turning Projects"
Grumbine - "Turned Bowls" and "Beyond the Basic Bowl"
Del Stubbs - "Bowl Turning"

Here are the rules:

1. Loans are restricted to Contributors of SMC, and I would expect that policy to be honored by others that may come into possession of these DVDs. If you aren't a Contributor, then pay the $6 and have an opportunity to borrow these DVDs, and others that may be available by other creekers.
2. These DVDs will be marked with my name. While I do not ever expect them back in my possession, should the interest in borrowing these cease, I would appreciate the individual holding them at the time sending me a PM for my address and returning them to me.
3. The DVDs should be cared for properly so they can be shared with others.
4. I will mail the DVD or DVDs to any Contributor wanting them for viewing. That person will diligently watch them to the extent they feel it takes to absorb the material, and then the holder shall promplty post a thread similar to this one seeking another interested individual. The person shipping shall bear the cost of shipping each time the DVDs change possession.
5. This arrangement is based solely on the honor system. I was gifted one of these DVDs, and purchased the remainder. They have been very helpful to me, and I hope they will help others. But, that can only happen if we have honest participation in this arrangement. If it doesn't work, then it is no great loss to me economically, but it will certainly be a disappointment to me.
6. SMC is not involved in this at all, has no liability, and this entire arrangement is voluntary on my part. I accept the risk of loss of the DVDs, and in no way intend to hold the owners/administrators/moderators of SMC liable in any way in the event of loss.

So, there you are! Who wants to view these DVDs? PM me your address, and let me know which ones interest you.

Thanks, and I hope others will participate. I do have a couple of other Drozda DVDs that will soon be in the hands of Baxter Smith, and I will ask him to make them available under the same provisions.


Bill Bolen
04-21-2010, 10:32 AM
Well John if you are willing to loan I can follow the rules! Been doing it long enough I guess! I would love to see the two Bill Grumbine Vid's. ..Bill...

Keith Palmer
04-21-2010, 10:39 AM
Well John if you are willing to loan I can follow the rules! Been doing it long enough I guess! I would love to see the two Bill Grumbine Vid's. ..Bill...

I'll be the first on the wait list for the Grumbine videos if you get them first:)

I'll check my videos when I get home tonight and see what I can add to the library.

John Keeton
04-21-2010, 10:52 AM
All the DVDs are spoken for. I will ship the Grumbine DVDs to Bill Bolen, and the others to Mike Minto. They in turn, will post a similar thread when the videos are available again.

No need to post to this thread again, but I would encourage others to start a similar thread for DVDs they are willing to loan, and perhaps cut/paste the "rules" from this thread so we keep consistency to this arrangement.


Mike Stephens
04-21-2010, 10:55 AM
John I think this is great.

That being said I would like to borrow the Raffan DVD.


John Keeton
04-21-2010, 11:01 AM
Mike, at this point, I am out of the loop. Future loans of the DVDs will be the responsibility of Mike Minto and Bill Bolen, and they each will post new threads. It is my understanding that they each may have someone already interested in the DVDs when they are finished, but you may want to contact them to be certain.

This is going to be the "training" thread for this project, and maybe we can work out all of the kinks so that future efforts will go smoothly.

I appreciate the quick response, and it seems there is real interest in this arrangement. Hope to see others offer up additional DVDs, even if they are the same titles - there is obviously a need out there.

Thanks, again, for making this work.

Mike Stephens
04-21-2010, 11:02 AM
Kieth I have Bill Grumbines turned bowls made easy. I would be happy to send it to you. Maybe you will have a DVD for me to borrow.


Keith Palmer
04-21-2010, 11:07 AM
Why not make this thread a sticky, and continue to update this thread. Might be easier to keep track of what is out there and available.

Just my 2cents :)

Mike Stephens
04-21-2010, 11:07 AM
John I think your idea is great. I also feel very strongly that if this is to work that it should all be done through threads publicly. No back door PM's.

One more point I'd like to make is that I think each member should have only 1 DVD at a time. How can 1 person absorb the information on multiple dvds in a timely manner?


Keith Palmer
04-21-2010, 11:08 AM
Kieth I have Bill Grumbines turned bowls made easy. I would be happy to send it to you. Maybe you will have a DVD for me to borrow.


That would be great! PM on its way.

John Keeton
04-21-2010, 11:18 AM
Some good thoughts Mike. I don't think there will be any policing of this, so we will just see if we can make it work as it goes along. I am sure as others post material for loan, a common system will develop - or, at least, that is my hope!!

On the individual DVD idea, my thought was the media mail shipping for 3 DVDs is about the same as for one, and that worked for me. As others put these up for loan, they can make the decision on how they want to handle it, but your thoughts seem to be reasonable.

John I think your idea is great. I also feel very strongly that if this is to work that it should all be done through threads publicly. No back door PM's.

One more point I'd like to make is that I think each member should have only 1 DVD at a time. How can 1 person absorb the information on multiple dvds in a timely manner?


Brent Ring
04-21-2010, 11:55 AM
Is there anyone that has tablesaw and router videos/DVD's that they would like to loan? I have had a few that apparently dont exist on hold at Netflix forever.


John Keeton
04-21-2010, 12:02 PM
Brent, it is my intent, and I believe the intent of those others that had expressed interest in this arrangement, to limit the DVDs to be turning related. You may want to post this thread in the General Woodworking forum to see if you get a response.

Also, while this is certainly the first time through for this effort, it will only work if each thread relates only to the transaction and loan of the DVDs originally posted. Your request will get lost in this thread, I am afraid.

In order to prevent any more unrelated info, and to perhaps keep this idea going, I will ask Steve to lock this thread.

Thanks, and Brent, it is not my intent to shut you out of this thread, but I think you will do better with a new thread in the General forum.

Cody Colston
04-21-2010, 12:07 PM

I sure hope the program works here at SMC. I and a few others tried to institute the exact same thing at another forum but it failed. After those of us with videos had "loaned" them out, with the stipulation that they be passed on to another member after viewing/using, the program just died.

Evidently those who first requested the loaners decided to not honor the plan to keep them in circulation.

I hope, and I think, it will be more successful here at SMC. The pity is that I have already loaned out my Bill Grumbine and NYW videos/plans. Otherwise, I would certainly participate in this one.

John Keeton
04-21-2010, 12:37 PM
Cody, I can easily see how it may fail, but I am willing to venture out and see if it works. As I stated, my only real loss will be in the realization that others are not well intentioned. I expect to be pleased with the outcome, however!

I think Mike Stephens had a good idea that it be done with open posts instead of blind PMs. That way, everyone knows who got the loaners. I posted that info in this case so there would be a trail.

Let's all hope for the best!!