View Full Version : Bought some lumber over the weekend!!

Tony Cox
04-20-2010, 10:10 AM
I went to the Frank Miller Lumber spring sale on Saturday and came home with a little bit of goodie. I got 120bf of soft maple and 92bf of red oak. There is no project in mind, it's just nice to have a little stock around for the projects that pop into my head now and then. :)


Prashun Patel
04-20-2010, 10:28 AM
I feel your happiness.

I just bought 200bf 8/4 cherry from Bell Forest Products. Got carried away ordering for a project that requires about 40bf.

I got a reasonably good price, but not a STEAL like some of the sonofaguns round here.

Ralph Barhorst
04-20-2010, 10:42 AM
I wanted to go to that sale but had to go to a wedding instead. I have been to their spring sale several times and came back with some great buys.