View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
04-19-2010, 10:21 AM
19 April 2010

Good Morning Everyone,
The garden is tilled and in the processes of being planted. My daughter is taking charge of the garden and running it as if it was her business. This is good because she has people already placing orders for either plants or veggies once they are harvested.

I now have my second chair here for repair and this one isn't falling apart like the first one was....so I'm thinking this one will require a good bit more care and glue only the joints that are currently loose. I'm just not so sure about taking a half rickety chair totally apart and regluing every joint on the chair. I will have to tinker with this one a bit more and see.

I'm OnCall at work this week, as if last week wasn't long enough and hard enough for me at the day job? This one is going to be even more so challenging.

Well, that's it for me. So what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Shawn Pixley
04-19-2010, 10:35 AM
Worked hard on the master bath cabinets. Veneered the cabinets on Saturday. Installed all the doors and drawers on Sunday. My knees feel it. I'll post pictures when I download from my Camera.

Was supposed to fly to London this morning but the volcano prevailed.

Jim O'Dell
04-19-2010, 10:41 AM
I had such high plans for the weekend....rained the whole time. :( So I vegged out on Sat. Sunday rain wasn't as heavy so I spent most of the day cleaning out the room that will be my assembly/finish area. Then spent the evening watching the Mavs first playoff game. Seemed like neither team could buy a bucket in the first quarter.
I get to work this coming Sat. May be raining again, so might not be a big deal. But the yard will have to be done before then!! Maybe TLOML will do it. :rolleyes: Jim.

Matt Meiser
04-19-2010, 10:57 AM
Spring cleanup around here. I changed the oil on the tractor, installed the mower deck, and mowed for the first time. Unfortunately Saturday was the coldest day in a long time and I stopped after about 15 minutes to grab a hat and gloves :eek: Pruned some trees that I found had grown since I last mowed, since my wife did it most of last summer due to me having surgery, then needing to work on cabinetry. Pulled some overgrown evergreen bushes from the island in the middle of our circle drive. And my wife and daughter cleaned the garage and helped with picking up the debris from my projects. Saturday evening we took our daughter and a friend out for pizza and bowling to celebrate her birthday. Sunday we washed windows (man do I LOVE the Windex you attach to the hose!) and some parts of the house that tend to get mildew on the siding before heading to Costco and then on to my brother's for dinner. Making a last minute decision to take the rest of today off to work on staining the deck.

Kirk Simmons
04-19-2010, 11:11 AM
I completed the last of the 30 birdhouses my wife needed for a project in her Kindergarten classroom. I have to say it was a fun project, as I experimented a little with each one, adding a small modification in technique or materials or design. But even with that caveat, building thirty of anything is a lot of work. They're done though, and now the kids will each get to paint one this week.

Tip for cheap paint: Try your local hazardous materials recycler. We all have public facilities where you can take hazardous materials (paint) for disposal. But have you ever gone there looking for paint? Mary wanted five different bright colours for the kids to choose from when painting their birdhouses, and we needed it to be cheap (free) if at all possible. Our local recycling center has racks of old paint available in 1 gallon pails, free for the taking. So we pulled 10 gallons or so, then winnowed it down to five. I took them home, opened and stirred everything to make sure it was viable, and then saved the paint sticks as samples for the kids to look at.

Free paint + handmade birdhouses. Here's to hoping the kids have fun with their spring art project =)

Art Mulder
04-19-2010, 11:19 AM
discovered how gorgeous African Paduak can look once you start applying finish... (sanded to 220, sprayed on shellac, and two coats of varathane sprayed on so far.)

Charles Wiggins
04-19-2010, 11:25 AM
For the first time, in a loooonnng time I have something to report. We just closed on our "new" house last Thursday, so I now have SHOP SPACE!!!! It is in the basement. I spent most of Saturday ripping out a storage rack that was suspended from the joists and tearing down the 38-year-old pegboard that was used to sheath the stud wall that separates the finished area from the shop. Then I had to remove nails, etc.

Sunday, I vacuumed the shop, including the 38 years of dust that had collected inside the stud wall from having pegboard sheathing.

I took some pics, but have not had a chance to download them from the phone yet.

Joe Mioux
04-19-2010, 1:33 PM
worked worked and worked...... put the garden in.

Randy Blake
04-19-2010, 2:24 PM
I finally finished a self designed DVD/CD storage unit for the living room.

All red oak with 1/4" acid etched glass for the doors and sides.

I just need to let the stain cure a while longer and then wax the top.



Terry Hatfield
04-19-2010, 2:26 PM
Not a second of shop time this weekend other than just walking through there a couple of times. Worked in the yard the entire time.

Hope everyone has agreat week!!!


Tom Lowry
04-19-2010, 2:32 PM
Nice Randy, Say... are you brewing beer back there?

Tom Lowry
04-19-2010, 2:39 PM
Spent Saturday mowing and trying to beat the rain.

Sunday, started the Island/Bar base for our kitchen remodel.


Cody Colston
04-19-2010, 2:50 PM
Saturday, I cleaned out and organized the garden shed, hauled off a bunch of yard debris (leaves, limbs) and mowed. The 17 month old grandson helped. ;)

Sunday afternoon I finally got in the shop since it was raining. I finished a small box I had been working on, roughed out two bowls and turned another to completion.

Frank McKinney
04-19-2010, 5:31 PM
Spent all day Saturday manning a marketing booth for the cafe at a motorcycle shop's open house/poker run for Habitat for Humanity. Afterwards, was able to get slats cut and edges routed, with 1/8" round over to ease the edges, for the second glider on the deck. Sunday after church, went to work at the cafe. After work, continued working on the slats for the second glider and cut and sanded the final slat for the first glider...wasn't cut correctly the first time around.

Randy Blake
04-19-2010, 6:45 PM
Nice Randy, Say... are you brewing beer back there?

Yep, that's my second hobby.


Jeff Mackay
04-19-2010, 9:13 PM
My wife spent a whole bunch of money on wood this weekend. Unfortunately, it was in the form of living trees and shrubs, nothing I can use anytime soon.

I spent most of the weekend drywalling the shop. So lot's of shop time, but no woodworking.


Joe Shinall
04-19-2010, 9:24 PM
Nice cabinet Randy.

I built my last raised flower garden which was a Hexagon shape, 2 timbers high. Then unloaded 8 40 pound bench bottoms and placed into that garden and put the 20 pound bench tops on. I unloaded two pickup truck loads of mulch into the 4 raised flower gardens and the other front big flower garden at my house. Installed the sprinkler system for the bushes. Bought new blades for the mower and put em on. Damn things went up from 22 dollars a pair to 39. And dont cut a lick better than they did when they were $22. :rolleyes:

Played baseball Sunday. Got to start throwing for the first time since shoulder surgery in November. It was pretty ugly but it's a step further.

No time in the shop itself, just the miter saw in the yard cutting the timbers. And put down weed and feed over the weekend and finished it up with some centipede grass seed today.

Now that I can't hardly walk, I'm taking some days off of household stuff.

Ken Peluso
04-19-2010, 9:36 PM
My wife took the kids to NJ to see her mother for the weekend so I spent Saturday moving the DC into the new shed and running the ductwork and electrical to it. I followed that up with hauling and installing 35 large bags of rubber mulch to the play set I built for the kids in our back yard.

Sunday was spent getting acquainted with the Festool mft3 and ts75 id been saving for tuen putting them to good use along with the P/J milling all of the ash I bought last year to finally make the real base for my bench.

Felt great to get back in the shop after spening the last few months helping with a newborn. Can't wait to teach the little guy how to use a block plane.

Brian Jarnell
04-20-2010, 2:59 AM
I thought Randy might like to look at a similar cabinet without face frames...
