View Full Version : Bie$emeyer Guard Part$

Matt Meiser
04-18-2010, 10:24 AM
My Biesemeyer guard needs a new side shield because I forgot to move it over when cutting a bevel. No problem since its touted as being replaceable. Except that I went to Delta's service part site and they want $44! For 1 flat piece of acrylic with some holes!

I was thinking I'd see what a semi-local creeker with a laser/cnc would charge to make me a few, but unfortunately it won't fit on my scanner either. :(

Anyone know if you can template route acrylic?

A Shark Guard is looking even better now.

Carroll Courtney
04-18-2010, 11:11 AM
See if you can fine it here,hope it helps---Carroll

Rick Lizek
04-18-2010, 11:30 AM
Sure you can template route acrylic plastic. That's what they use for our custom template patterns for our moulder blades. Other parts sources are going to get their parts from Delta anyway. $44 doesn't sound unreasonable considering a manufacturer has to itemize and store all these parts and someone has to put them on a shelf plus I can't imagine they sell hundreds of them a day. What's your time to make one of them?

Jim O'Dell
04-18-2010, 3:07 PM
Take the Delta part number and do a (Google) search on it. You will find several places that offer it. Often times you can find a better price. Mike's Tools is just one of the places I've searched and found parts at. Leestools dot com is another. Jim.

Chip Lindley
04-18-2010, 4:22 PM
Delta is historically PROUD of their replacement part prices! $44 for a piece of 1/8" acrylic shaped like a Biese blade guard shield is beyond my ability to swallow.

Make your own part, using the opposite side as a template. This is one use for a VS router that shines. Slow down the router to shape the acrylic. Make a couple of spares while you are at it, and you will probably never ever need them! Best of luck!

Jim Becker
04-18-2010, 8:57 PM
Make your own out of Lexan, Matt.

Matt Meiser
04-18-2010, 9:04 PM
Making my own is kind of what I'm thinking. I was thinking I'd template route a template from some 1/4" MDF from the good one I have, that way I'll always have something to make new ones from. I'm partial to Bayer's Makrolon over Lexan--since I have an oh-so-tiny part in it being made :)

Greg Portland
04-19-2010, 1:57 PM
Sandwich the plastic sheet between two pieces of wood and route/cut/drill to shape.