View Full Version : CL listing

Chas Fuggetta
04-17-2010, 8:40 AM
any idea what these are and, are they worth taking a look at?


Sam Takeuchi
04-17-2010, 9:29 AM
For $70, that is steep. That wooden jointer looks good but I can't see if there is any damage or crack, and blade seems to have been well used. The other one...same except for having healthy length of tapered blade left (thanks to cap iron/blade placed totally wrong), but like jointer, you can't tell the condition it is in.

Those metal planes aren't really much to talk about unless you are looking for planes to rehab for your own enjoyment. Blue one reminds me of Record of the '80s production, but I can't tell much from those pictures. Either way, for the money you'll need to make/buy handles and knobs, plus right nuts and bolts, you should be able to buy full and complete vintage planes of reputable origin.

Anyway $70 is way too much for those.

Dave Hartunian
04-17-2010, 9:40 AM
Don't waste your time, unless tou need logs for the fire.

Matt Rogers
04-17-2010, 9:42 AM
I agree with the "too much" sentiment.

For reference, I think that I paid like $12 or $14 for my German made wooden jointer, and it was basically sharp and ready to use.

--Matt Rogers

Chas Fuggetta
04-17-2010, 10:00 AM
Ok, excellent gang. I appreciate it!

Zach England
04-17-2010, 11:20 AM
What are the knob and tote on that no. 4-ish thing in the bottom left corner? that is the weirdest looking plane I have ever seen.

Andrew Gibson
04-17-2010, 11:46 AM
What are the knob and tote on that no. 4-ish thing in the bottom left corner? that is the weirdest looking plane I have ever seen.

It is an extremely rate Broom handle knob and tote, only a few were produced by the RubeGoldbergCorp... JK.

The front knob appears to be a rubber chair foot off of a piece of Patio furniture.

Zach England
04-17-2010, 12:46 PM
I guess they get an A for improvisation, but in plane restoration it is a clear FAIL.