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View Full Version : Kelton Center Saver

Fred LeBail
11-14-2004, 3:47 PM
Are any of you guys using the Kelton Center Saver System in your turning endeavors? I have just purchased one and am having some trouble getting it to do what I think it should do.The instructions are not much help as they mostly discribe what I have but not much in the way of "method of use".
First of all there are only suggestions for cutting tip height. They say the cutting tip should be "exactly on center of the blank or just below". Which should it be??
There are no hints on which cutter to use or how far the gate should be from the blank. Also at what angle you should make your cut.
I am also getting a lot of catches or grabs when I try to make a cut.
I am sure everyone who has one has gone through a learning curve with this and I too will fathom it out, but any suggestions will certainly help in the meantime.
Thanks in advance for your advice.

Bill Grumbine
11-14-2004, 6:06 PM
Hi Fred

I have a pictorial tutorial on my website for using this tool. There is a learning curve, but once you get to the top of it, the tool is quick and easy to use. I recommend that you keep the tool tip exactly on center, and it needs to be on center when the top of the knife is up against the gate. That will eliminate about 90% or more of your catches, and allow you to propel the tool through the wood with just a couple of fingers.


Fred LeBail
11-14-2004, 7:59 PM
Bill, Thanks for the reply. I checked out your site.
First of all , how do you set up for additional cuts after you save your first core on the largest one first? I thought that at least I would still be able to make another cut because I still had the center intact.
Secondly, you would not catch me making that cut with two fingers because I would be "white knuckled " at this point.My arms are still sore from this morning.
Thanks again,